Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 326, 18 November 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]


That the .VctvertiBer Bood»ers are V, putth*g «p" ]>olitk)al subBĪdies. Tbat. the reason a Noble Plumbt*r is like tho Ibis, is because he produco? u long bilf. Next. • . i Tnat me on<; iu trying to tvckcr in eoino «f the Me-; āhaiiicj» to He-Uef6rm... Thi\twu will bo<Xit our rfiihvaye» Hud losson īiie on onr plantalipu sfcQcks» at jKtf*LU>*miut. Iu the s\veet mahopo! That tho or politictvl vuifcures tire working np a compromiso tioket for tho Eotorui Patty> all for the goo«l ot* thosa whom ū. roay ooneem. Timl the W ih« green «iU f£ve a |w\vw »nd «v of pitateea anO both#ri|kilk tu the Me* C T oion» in his netv oaalle, i( they on\y «teet Uim a$ a % NlbW« iTyemind r

i- ri . - j . J 1 ■|.J i ; c.TL]J« iy»'i r. Vi» j That governinent crib haVe Otitlived* their usefulness. . . That J. B. mp» &tn toin* tl»» tide of politieal battle -ever gince ho becam« thirty-fi ve thēugasd strong. That the old Keystone Corner Store in the ;raagi*ftāent Brick BuiMjfng will be ope£edas a .drug Storfe|fy Mr. Hobron and associatfis. That the old Hui Kalaiaina is ūnder the chaperonage of niostly Hawaiian lawyers. who have stepped in where onee they feared to i tread when decency ruled supreme.; That a pliaster cajst of the bark j Kalakaua painted green is to he put up at the ēntranee to Boodle i Castle. The casting and coloring! will be a trinmph in art That' the Tramway water cart mule, is like the plantation contract j eoolie, a muehee overweigi*ted ! animal. This mormng, in order to clear the track, the higher order of i mules had to help the poor brute i order along. That 11, More and Admiral J Bowler of the Hibernian man-of-war Anamai aro men who ean safely be said to have made their mark in the |country's ftuancial recordsu and in U. S. C. C. at -fhat - That thelevan of miquity is working in the Reform eamp, and soon the man of perdition will be revealed,—the UniOn having received a rude shaking from the old Harrv himself iu the shape of golden eaglefe fiying around loose. The object of attack is the President of the Hui Kalaiaina. That Walter cannot, be excelled in his artistic; conception of that It covers the votion, the higher and tne lower order combined, all in a little epaee aud for only two ceuts. So mueh lik© the old editorial war-horse. That tho Ewa Plantation ha« a fbr judge for that district and that the govemment had one: the latter had the right to uominate, the former had the might to do thesame; thc result is that Ewa is without a district |udge. Now if it had heen left to the peopie by election, there wcmld have heen no fav.Oir&sm,jmd a judge xvould be triet.