Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 327, 19 November 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]


Th«t by the Queeti's phonogra|& apeeeh one may be mi3led to thini that Bhe lov€d her lat.& brother. That Aeh is u a better politieian than a railroad su perin t end&nt. V "'M V ThgāKt thfe P. C. Advertiser's new motto iff: be tmjust and fear not; let all the ends thon aim J st at be thy poeket's v thy patron ? s, irreppective of trytb. Tbat the Admiral of the green introduced Kshooneito severai of his friends, who «nderst«>d what was soeant the quite liberally.

That G§neral Samffel C. Arm* »troi}g, never felt truer- isiB]givmfss. of the intes#y aud femor of hiB hrethreft ih Hawaii nei, than when he |?rayed that God weuld help them to be trUe to right prlnciples aod to do th4 right thifig. He knew that hi» l»'ethren had grown: worldy irom the way tbey lived snd acted, apd he was riKht.

Tbat mw ihat the cou;ttry peo* f<»ced nm* ,aijfo,*thjrt we hftve attmned tbe objeet of tli© MftssacbuBetts (not Federai) C«umonweeUh, <% t!iat it (tbis) majr be a governraeot of lawe. and not of men,"forgettiog what doctrines he &pd bis Mends su©ported in IsB7. Mr. Hartwel! of corsrse does not mean what he says bot has to say somethinß that wi!l suit the little Massachusettfi Commonwealth &et up here in Hawaii. <>en«aal Arm. strong, belouging to the Fedoral was more real and oulaaoken, tl*an General HaHwell, wh<us circumsbribed in bis viewa to whāt aooeptable te the les*er eommonweaHh. The latter evidently eomea uhder those for whom Oaneral Armstrong prayed U»at Ood would haip th«» to lbeir poqjsl64s and do whai waa right. But A¥mstrong is not Hart* well any more than the UniUd States oommonw«alth xs Massachu> This ia akmi ihe way ihe meaaareof inteUigei*Qo"to u 9olitical mAuenoe*' wfcuid be nteted out» Bbeton i» on Ūm bigoV

itntn^niTlti^iii[i : iīf r<liiitifr" iit'iiM^w:Wlijīif ? afatar,|iMi«rt»i» ■* ' mmm fer Wm > : : mmm®:; mā%%m - ' rio M' ' sffi^jSi a saft! , aS otficers, and leVy taxea ior tbe pe*p&§© : keal imDr«vemeiife ©fa publkmat«re, PROTE€TIOS} TO THE LABOUBIKG CL4SSES 9. We ehall €bdbrse all roeastfre teiiding to i:nprove liae eoiMHikm of tibe workicg ciasßes, without injaring any vested. rMtt& we wfll »dvocate laws Jtojrevgat j^a r Jabor of aßy kpi, apoa eowiltloK€L whieh will bringit injto a rmi»ees and degrading coaapetitkai with free Qawa| ian or white labor. We, ehall a2eo ; ia the intereat ~of the better proteefcisn oi the pbor } askfor more Bberale2Lemf*tlons oi their property from forced eāle <m execution> atid from eeiz«re ii bankr&ptcy proceediiigs. «MALL FAEMING AJSD HOHE STEABB. 10. Tfae w»alihy fractkm of our peaiulation have hitheyto pi3evsßte4the developmenfc ctf an Tttitepend*mfc«kiHS3 eifc»setii;; have been ti«d «p In a few hailds or parcelled to snit favorites, a&d imtall farmers and plaaters have drivei* out by corporations or combaigiJon& capitalists: but a« amall farmmir is eonducive tothe stabs>w of the Btate, it should pe encouraged a «ew jMud ip>reJibe«d Homestead : &*t y .%'» wheh €he ownership of smiOt f >of laml apd : the settl6ment*"thsraon^js3sainfiie« Iy, .of tjhe native Ha-waiia»» s?feō have been l&t alinost homeleee hi i&ea&eoun-try,-shoiild be rendered poss-.ble. To that end, tiie Governmeut * and Crown lands, (in so far as ean be witliotit invadmg veeted Hght«.) «honia bedēvoted as soon aa poasible to -h<«Qegfe&ads. and eonlerred wpou bona-fid« settlers free of taxes for a limited period. It should bethe furtherjsim t)f government to, at onee, so far improve the means of traneportt tii>n,~-k>cal x n£tioi> ,al and in ternatienal, —ag to prōvtde* .in ;ali the districte, olieāp meane ol convev.iHg the prod«ct of the eeāl to mark£t: FXBCTOKAL KIHGT »' 11. We hiihl that npright a»d honelī manhood. and bōt the ī&mm&on oi wealth, aifcitmily fixed, shi>uld imsti~ the right to vote for nobles as well s» repr#sentatiy»B, and ao ,jnore power %hould be aecorded to tbe baHot of rich msa ihan to ihe ba!lot ol the poor man. The dis<Mmmatioa ia of wealih now madein onr is contrary to all the eternal of rightaad justiceiand mnst ed. To tbiē end, we wiU fctvor a l£vel~ iug of th« preeent d»ti»ction of w«*!th aa<l ela&aea whieh blemfeh our law?» wHh of th» right to vote fbr noblos t thereby restorin§ ,to tbe natWe> Hawaiiān» privilegeB whieh j*irtam to Ia thdr owa country % &nd*j£ whieh they h&ve bem en]uStiy d&āf««dL IKTERNAL I^&OVKMTgSTtf 12 Wo favor tire expen<iitQro ei auāicient stu*a to eeoore anumb£r of neeeM puhlie hnprovement» aod *wh»rTM, puWie thoreug 1j , Byate» o£ »s«*<Bra ami Wrtß«*6*s.B«toß|y fot-|lMKttaln,'but throueii-ontthe oth*r IsHn&.