Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 327, 19 November 1891 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

NOTICF. •!\v. Uawaiian Xational T>iberal A't* ; ciation, will hold their regular n.eetiiig at the 01d Amory, next nrday evt ning, at whicb place t Y the bupiness of the association li,. been disposed of Dr. Hammoml, notbing £reventing. wili give iir; Midress to the Hawaiians. Hiē «Mhjoct will be the " Legitiinacy of !' 4»ular Elections." The Presiderit f ih<» A3sociation, will interpret tl ■ iuarne<i doctors thought&to his t • *rs The meet:Ug we underk ~ '!s open t® all. Ko si!m house js < \;,ected as is the case withsome* c f the other Hui'e.