Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 333, 27 November 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]


That there are three things that womea throw away: their time» their money and their health. r That the Bulletin is now a bloomi;ig well buttered )oyaMst and ie! strongly in favor of Bovereigns! That constable H— ■ has car-1 ried of the paim amongst the pohee. thc masher eop. It } s a funny iiltle way he'p got. | ■ | That the Beagle has been| seen hovering about the islands evidently anxious to have ihe and to get those portraits of her owners. now receivine a coat of varnish at the hands of Queenites. That the busincsB that bas (k--veloped lately, wJ|id)i tbe Bulletiu is kV sneakingly" shielding bv leoding its co]umns, will do to hasten Ihe Rrowioft ®snti<pent for Anoesalion * r«i»QbUc, tba& thing that Bush $ver adweatr ed. The trouble is the people will not stand corruptiōn or injustice, by any adroinistration, aud we are only giving pubiicity to the f?eli£*g aad to tbe cau6e#- that produces ii, aud to the u sne«kiog" crowd who are driving ihe populaee to giye utterance to their feelings.

- That it U possibi@ tbe Beagle ai Royal Boads andhas rētorned with her Ohina cargo wifch the view of landiog it through thdr itest oifice as Mai) Matter, th<; Ofetom House having got to offieions about such tiifles. That a boy in Missouri recently went crazy after having acquired the habit cf smoking forty cigarrettes a day. That is just the great drawback in smoking cigarretteg. $s you get it down tafce up your residence in a lnnatic asylum, where smoking isn't allowed. s That the cābinet will $tart a' Jdndergarto school for recruite for the civil since men who pay taxea families . are not wantfeii also suggest that the Bchobl be made aii academv to include its course horse racing, poker playing, opium smuggling, boodling, &c v whieh maj now be considered as£dministrative sports. ' That Mr. Levev's letter ih' the Bulletin exjsoses sonie of the dirty Wbrk of tMt hypocritical class' of 'inen, tvho pretend to constitute oftr j i atid ill&gtrates the contemptible .i ods \frhich thev employ āgainst all those who are without the pal§ of the sacred circle ol 500 whieh 8. E. Bishop created for them. That the question is asked waether there is anv truth in the i renorts about presents to officials to whieh we ean only reply by pointing to the interviews ans inade and published \lauply in tho Pres?.s. The Queen wa*j presented with two Tuscan vases from two Engliah tourjsts, who latelv cleared for Ro3 r al Road in. a straight steemed vessel m ueh after the style of an Algerine Corsair. That the vanous ruf)tures in the Hui Kalaiaina and Mcchamcs' Union, whieh was given secret satiefaction <to the political reformers, are being ail healed; that the scals and trickters »re being 'gradually weeded out and cast aside, and the various organizat!ons will eventually eomhine through their Executive Committ\ma and pressut a <3olid front at the polls to vote for Naiionai condidates pledged togood govemment, to popukr government and the Lahui. That sfjme of poliiieal retiegades, who bavo been trescberouB to the people wtio created them nobles of the kiogdom, have alhed with eertain oth«r trickters, aod propose to organixe a uew party to be ealM the Pnrty M whieh thef ftmdiy hope WiU carry them; om the top ereet of victory. But Ihe Queen has awakened to the ei* tuation and is too sensible to allow hraelf by impliealion yr otberwise to becpme entangled in anv &ctional orgafiization; thereforo the "Queen'B Party" will die still-bom. ■I «wa Baudy, Sandy bankiug Oterk, Of the Oamem, Biehop and Paty-line My moustache tho tuuh, Aihl 4hro' it Urge tnwtts ol land are w»W. Iww alwayfi good ' Autl no suide at eioewUon. But wher* l shined the moat, Aihi did «ueh { oa KawiOahao'a feower, Bho<Aing dwrn ihofi6>%geiv, At 4h«AVilct»s K<?voi«tian, j

< Tha* 5 the llolle&o, kw& so a cons«deration idrimrry t&e mfbr-' maticm in tfieir coat poel? £ts, have eome home to roost, though it had to be run intoia Kanyon aud Up a * Hill by a Blooming Doughas, from the Antipod*s. ■ - When h:rds of ai feather, ' Are seen basK ng together Yoa may expect a game of chefa t Backed by ā handtal of Sovereigns have said at Hui Kalaiaina eom mittee meetitig that Bush and Wilcox cared not for Independcnce Day, and that Messrg, Rc«a, Testa, Kaulukou and others of that ilk know all about it. This class of po . liticians having accepted. the patronage of W, M, Gibson, theSe\proteotors of the country's indepenfi-j GDce.were found some imbedded in ! sand like ostrichea, others touud im porlant busi ness in the mountainB: boasri to command ? and strong-« ly iiiibued with the belief that liy - ing cowards is better than dead h;ērpes. i That B. was heard to tō himsel?' as he stood on. the -heights of : WaiDio— Live'fi thei*s a man whosc soul ko' dea<l,* ! Who to liimseH |lias not fiaid, : This is my <nvn rny n&.tivo <.-\vife'K) lanel! My naine i.< not bnt Ta\vny, Yet I'm monarch of al! «nrvoyefl hy Kerreno, ■ Frqm the Lcr.h\s right round to the !Sea. Oli, ]>eri«h th« thou«ht oi my youthfu] scenes, ■ . I Oh, how I hate; to thmfc back to that ; horrid pork and beangj :