Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 335, 1 December 1891 — Ad Interim. [ARTICLE]

Ad Interim.

\Ve heai, from reliable sources/ thai Mr. James ('astle has been appointed Auditor Geueral of Gov- ♦ rr)inent Acconnts, (ul iniwim, on account of the hevere īilnene of Mr. • Kofs, the present incuinbcnt of that oliiee. Thc o!lice i* one of i;reat resnonsibility. und ie<-juives a man <»t uuu.sual nervc to till tlic position v- īt.i cre(lii to hini>eif atul ti*:»n to thc peo\»lt>. \Vc beiieve that Mr. Ua3tle has t.hf> nerve. aud \vc he iia\ •• the right pi ineiple t» guide him in the digcharge of thc duties of hi» offiee, if he ii <iie man apJkvtttīed. riie jKoyiUon .oaiLs i*or ri^: t ceougncss, and this we belicve Mr. B. wili ao, and if not, then we wi. i be onee more di**ppointed in the int«grity of uian. Ue bas be-| i'v»re him the honorable and wortbv

exampta of his principnl in that office, a record that stood Ihe test of friendship and party feeling. As our administration was not born of any principle, but grew up like a rank weed from some unkno T .vn seod, it is not to. be expected that any partv ean make any special jclaim 'ūpon them in the question of appoi utments, except perhaps in thc sclection of men to look after (?) opiunu and other questionable 'inties whichbelong to Government. We wish Mr. C succeB& in his new vocalion, though we fear, it is one not congenial to bis tastes and talents. •