Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 336, 2 December 1891 — Universal Sufferage. [ARTICLE]

Universal Sufferage.

A stnke is iniminent of the \vork- ! men īn Belgium. if tlie universal : franchise is not granted to the mas • ses by the governnient. Tlus is I about the wav fhe )natter stands' in Hawaii nei. and it seems s-uiei-dal for anv on« to \viihstaiH l !Ik.* | r >toratinn of this ūindanieuial, right. The advanee knowledjrp! a.nd the edueation of the maiM»sde-) niands the restoration of thīs sear-' e! and \ve pitv those who l . ry to prevent it. I