Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 337, 3 December 1891 — Attack and Defense. [ARTICLE]

Attack and Defense.

In the nevor-ceasing contest tween attack and defense, the former hae eome out a head in the last important trial. At Bhoeburyness, in England, a huge gun weighting 10 tons waa fired at a epecially prepared target. The diameter of the gun i8 sixteen inehea, the weight of the projectile was 1.800 pounda,being made in eoliei steel four feet in len«th. About 9CK3 t>oiinds of powder \vere used in the cbarge. The result was aBUmishing. Tbe ehot wer)t through a plate of so]i\i steel twenty inches thick, then through ;ni right-inch irun plate: it kcpt

rigbt on through twenty feetof solid oak, then a five-foot waii ofgranite, then eieven feet of soiid concretc, and3odgedin a six-foot wallof brick. That shot would liave gone clear through an} r twD iron-clads afloat. —-Loek and Bell.