Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 341, 9 December 1891 — The Sovereign's Charities. [ARTICLE]

The Sovereign's Charities.

Phe Daily Builetin takes us to task for criticisinp; the Hovereign'6 want of charity, aud raakcs a few īlluetrationß of her generosity. The <Miarity whieh wo alluded to in our cf»tnmeuts, we are sorry t*> say, for thesake.of the Bulletin, and its client, does not eoiue under tho ?>alc of tbat enjbraced in the gift- of uie Qtieen. The gift of $20.000 to an agBociation ie good in its wav: n:iB a great doal of the "sounding braBß, and dAngingcyui b*r to i>e of mueh profst to tb« needy. \

gr(\it d( v Jil of hcr'stybeiievoleiu'e is oircuiuscribed. We know. th< 5 tVuiis of the philanthropic (jr.r?iuizalio:t:.s irndor. hcr patronage :i rt* nut frw. but mueh of it is for her st-rv:iiits sind te»»nnts, and moro of it fwr hor civat uros. The b,enefits of tho ?r2(),0(K) yet to be licard of; f]io !!<•< «ly aro at hcr doors; and as i»:tvc siated. th(y do not receivc the vre]come that t]ic Saviour said, slionkl 'oe given thcm, —"thc poor ye havc with you aJways."' When one have thc cvidence of poverty and \vant asking alms, it is not beeoming charity to oek at the nationality of the poor, and then turn thera empty from an abundant «tore-house. To whom mueh is given, mueh is expected. Belfishness or want of charīty is the opposite of Ghritia:iityj-.of that "love that sufFereth long, and is kind; thatTenvicth not, that vaunt-«th not itself, and is not pufFed up; doth not behave itself unseemly ; seeketh not her own."