Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 344, 14 December 1891 — Hon. R. W. Wilcox. [ARTICLE]

Hon. R. W. Wilcox.

i A fter a t<aur of jt|ie distrints_4>ft Kooiauooko, Koolauloa and Waialua, with his coileagues, Hods. W. H. Cummins and BuBh, the above gentleman took his departure by the Kinau tor the purpose of making the circuit of Hawaii. Landat Mahukona, he will aiump that.district in corr>pany with Hun. Wm. Whiie, and thence he will proceed on to Waimea. Hamakua, Hiio, Puna, Kau and Kona. Ile may ou his way hōme, take Central and Western Maui. Mr. Wilcox in company with: Hon. Wm. White of Lahaina, takee with him the nominations of thc Hawaiian National laberal Party, thn>ugh its offieers, for that island« The nominations have been made by these gentlemen st the request the lcading Hawaiiana,- in eaeh of the clcctiye districts v whieh he will yisit, and as our adyocacy of ])rincii)les and men are o{>en and abovc i>oard, and in the intercsts of good government, we print thoir names, givuig frio:ul ;uid opponent alike an oppor;umty tu kno\7 who they are: | For Kfhala, ti, !\ Kamauoha I " kv)a, j " ISurth Huo. 11. Kauwiia Unea 4 " Central " Her»ry Wes?t st South " Nawahi u Kau, J. N. Kapahu " K-na. I>. 11. Nahinu Thō nominatkm fcr Noblcs will iu the ftuuri>. ]

For Mani, the noujinatioos €romr the s»me gētttlemen are: For Hana, Kainai. ' ' ' " Wailuku, L. W. P. Kanealii and W. H. Daniels. For W. H. White 41 Molokai, J. Nakaleka For Oc N u, the nomīnation are: vv Koolaupdko, J. E. Bush . " and Waialua, R. For Ewa aad Waiauae, J. Kauhi, These gent!emen,.as far as nominated. are entjireiy from the Hawaiian National Liberal Party, and from no other political.organization in the country. Mr. Wilcox goes unassisted wfth anv coilection, mide as stated to be for that purpose, by the |President Kahoonei of the Ilui Kaiaiaina. - His patriotism is his in(jentive t and his reeompenee the good of the Hawaiians who l|)elieve in him and his motivēs. | '