Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 345, 15 December 1891 — The Nameless Editor of the Elele. [ARTICLE]

The Nameless Editor of the Elele.

" . :iair«oleag writcr tbe Elele v ■ ir<l 10 maka out that Bueh r.-,. ih- andth'eworld y, a-- ■ ii». \ scSo')iboy knowsbetter \hat. Tlis VTorld was wilhoul t" .ni i:ui y«ud—it prr,V«ably was a r; -c : tc a : 't,otv o:- sni4Ui'i* Uowl- • •/. *rr : b:- very } * L'. • Ui-" ! <'! ■ ';• .•' o;" 'o > : »u'*r V* i : i ' i ■ i ■ . i;v- r: •: •. w.* :* ■ ... ■ '■ r j. ; "U ;i:::.!Otcr - "o'M' »• f.-i *•. (>■..»!:. syiiii-uthv v.: !hrv i)j.rjiine" ■i> , ;sh ioi' his T>oodlo fric]id. :uid- hnw =: van pro-fr3.-io:v-i o; v ■■■fricudship with tho b;jrning". 2u?h ■.■cea»ed \vhen they kud thc l swag," whieh no djubt hBiping to keep both K.li:. i uud I» )cvdler warm Bince Uie ."Kuniiii?." •. Bush 'i" raoro warms ••• rr»».'ir so/did souis. ' lt i& _yer/. fiia= <h'nt tliat thip n:iihploss editor do*\s (•■ >• krj >\ 1h" burning husl) *r'-' :i h«» iiTovorfntl y <*ninparps w-iU" som».« <iav re- : <i u:nl '* ncs® tli.it ■\ -i ' ui';» ivl:n--i«.;,n<[ braiu\>.