Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 346, 16 December 1891 — What was Said. [ARTICLE]

What was Said.

(Con|inued.) . I gay these tbi»g» fe*rlee«ly because I know them to be trae. K these district judge» and oth*rs too were «lectcd by the people. it wpuld tsiuHo keep them out of poJit?cs, and poB»ibly be a lessoii to othere alsd irho stood higher. I have »tood ii» a court justice and heard H Md as* the opinion of the bench that #here tke inUrests ofa corpora(&hi were goneerned t the r%qhu and inb(reBtB of indiv%dualB ouyht not be aUoweā to stand in lhs way. I >8»y to you as a body of free men, ii it not tiuae to be on ihe alert when our righta and libertiei > are in danger from eueh Bentiments m theae? Is it nnt time that you and I, if arraigned before a court of law for our libertieB and rights.. ehonld be able to feel that we are not ll*bie to be «ondemned i>y brmd prejudice> animue or partiality, buttbat weare beftif tried golely by theAgents of law and.justice ? Thia is m|ttter for to thirik over and dfcide. or not the time is| ripe for the people to be satisfied^. U> who ahail be the nuhlie BerTante. A good deal has been said befgre thig body about the election of governa»ntoffioerB, but nothing has been dpne to definitely, the offitcerg to be so elected. Wiih f your permisBion Iwill , read a meiaou naming the offiqes, whieh I will āsk you to .oonsider and 4eliberate upon. , v The Gabinet to be elected by 4fee Legislature and approved by the Bovereign. Heads of all the Bureaus bv the eleetive voters of the People. Judges, Auditor General and Inspector General of Schools, Custom House, Ge«eral Post Office, Mar-1 ahal. Board of Healih, Board of . Immigration, Superintendent of Public Works. Circuit, Poliw and I)istrict Judgee and Sheriflf, by »*lection on their Islands \vhero their are to officiate, alpo AsKessare and CollectorB. And that we present this way ofelocting in ooasequenoe of tho detached Bitualion of the islanda

Gnmprising the kingdona anel also 1 of economy in accomplishing ihe end in view, ai d in the event of mistake < s in appc : ntment it will in this manner be confined to locality; We demand thai the revenues realized by the government shall be intelHgently, econoraically and honestly disbursed by all adminifitrations. We demand t£at the present sys- - of Taxation on Industries be revised with the object of better equalizing the «ystem noyrin Cropß, cattle, stock pasture and | culiavated lands,' | Retrenōhment in the cost of gov-1 superfluous offijces and employees. i That the lawfui money of ihe reiijm ip paper and eoin shall *rheii oresei)ted fee received in pay-1 : i > ;■■ j :BelUmngm£he doetri»e«feqaal j ri£ht6f<ir all and apeeial privilege* t#|none. That Uie People's money &all »ot he appropriated to sup*rag«ist om int»*est or dgss I at: tjk«*peos4i>f aDother.: whether cokp«raUon or individuals, »ud that no lands or property of aiay value whatsoever shaīi be dispo9ed of except at puhlie auetiou, after due advertisement and by »übHc aucfcioneers. When the speafeer finished reading his memorandum of officei% submiited to be elected, he wished to assure them that the whole matter wi« hi» own conception, witkos4 being doctored or emanating from any party or clique t and asLsuijaed the respoasibility of Whole subject aaatter, ani in clos [ ing he would offer the following r%- | Bolution, whieh he handed to t&e Preeictent: i,..• - • ' • KE6OLVED. That it is the sensfc of this meeting. 1. That from the stan4|>oint of a ealm and deliberaie analysis of paat aad $F6vailiftg public evente the electioa ef public ofEuer« ig necessary for obtaining good and honest adnini£tration oi Government by thePeop!e. 2. That the Cabinet shall t»e elebted by the I»egislature with the apw?oval of the Sovereigu. 3. That all heads of Bureaue and other offic6TS of the Groveriiment, bc elected by the poople at the eaipe tbe getieral electiona. * 4» < Tkat all\looal officsrs ahall i» elacted by the yotes of i&eh r<es~ p©Ctiw Dwtricts or lelands. During the discu«si©n, a m»tion was made to adjmirn; whiah wae carried wHhout a»y acti®n bekig iaken on the resolution. >