Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 348, 18 December 1891 — WHAT THEY GOT. [ARTICLE]


■ And why should it end ? Is v nrty histdry not efte of whieh iii« ; vantry is justly proud ? Have •ur elected expdnents been reereant ■io their trust ? Ia it not true berond eavil that irhen m«mentouB « iestionB werē before the country they sank their- r &yHtical identit3r &ad legislat«d' tfith ' the Reform «emberß for the public welfa£e ?" —F- lr. •: / \'ea; it is true that tW Naiional Reform membera voted with the Reform; they sank their political i3entity soon after the meeting of i,he l>gialature: ia other words, they jtfjroved tūrn-coatfi; they betrayed the traet reposed in tlifem by tho pe#ple; they deserted their gtaodard W legiskte for the good of tHfc Refwrraere, their ewn respective #elves. No «NHHsr Had the tr*iters etitered «pon thieir infe&«ufe li&e oi . $onduct, than the two daily foreigc begaii- t'o give them every <ffiicouragement, and eall them the respectable elemeni who were working againat the interest of the people Who elected theia, and nothing t»<» bitter against the Bush-Wilcox trrowd that "did not eink their poliiieal identity with the Reform jaiemberB," but weire true to their pledges to the people and to their l ueiplee. Tb&e two scribblers havegot tbeir feward; one Post>uaster and the other 'āeeof th» Board oflmmigrattpiii The advantage of being respect;tble and whHe is seen in the emj)loy«ent of Mr. relations. I :> >Lr. Crabbe bemg employed in lucrative situation by moiubers tlie Reform Party, and of his s<3a • h Port Suveryor at a good salary. our old and very respectable fj i«nd, Mr. Hermann Widemann, who heeame Mini6ter of Pinanee, in the sanie Cābinet with the respeetable Hawaiian whom he refused tosupport in the last LegiKlature. Tiiat Mr. McCarthy was Mr. v Bowlers thirty-fivethonsandcham-pion, and the has becomr so that he has heeome part owner of a political Elelē, and i« now trying to guide th« Meehanfc.s Union and the Catholic vote inthe hands of the l, respectable" element, with an eve to a reuewal of another elaim of eleVen thousund for no services rendered the governiiient uhder a verbalcontract— •,-ibly for damagesdonetheEmerāicl yacht Akamailn IfArrying miui for ihe Interior «Department. These are a few examples. It is nipossible tō point out a single 110ninee of Union, who

T [ --^ after the elfetlon, turne4 oot to be of the "respectable elaaa" (ex«ept the patriot Bowlei- of course)t>f the National Party, who is not io abet ter possition to-day than when he 'wae intrusted- with the Peoples r power. On the otHer hand not a sing)e thing lias been do»e for the benefit of the People &nd good of the country hy that element. Let their apologists tell of one act or how they helped the country in any way. The dissatisfaction with corrupt ancLoppressive govsFiiment hns been growing day by day till public oentiment and endufance is kbont ezhausted. *The "reßpectable" element is flpurishin};; but the government is worse •ff, and in a more ad vanoed state of decay in \ consequence.. I