Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 350, 22 December 1891 — The Future Representative from Kohala. [ARTICLE]

The Future Representative from Kohala.

The future Representative elect from Kohala, will lik«lj be Mr. G. P. Kamauoha. The advent of Hons. R. W. Wilcox aad Wm/ White at this plaee has undoubt<3dly secnred the popular sentiment faV6r «f this gentleman for Legifli ;ti^|Hibn6i < Q.' He Btam£s in fevor <ii"the so-calied Buah-Wilcox-HuntB- - platform of principles, whieh f irore, among other things a new < AinBtituti6n aiid the re-sygteuiatiz-ing of the civil service in its higher ' : viaions. He stands really a « iudidateof the Hawaiian Naiional Liberal Party. compoeed of the fntornational Liberal League and the Hawaiian Xational Liberal Party. Hie opponents is the rot3n? re- _ negade and to the Party "last session of the Legislature, Hon. K. Hookano. This young gentle--siiau has a record that is esteemed equal to any of Bosb Bucklev's gang. He has an eye like that of an owl'B whieh cannot stand the | j«6rutiny of light, and a elaw ly a8 fifm in itātgrip. In fact, he is a rare genius. In inanipulating two masterfe%e is a diplomat, hav- ] ing been known to have see-sawed j two of our Foreign o*ffice stateemen about two years hgo. Thi« peeuliar characteristie, howevcr> though exc?llent and useful to its posw-' mv, has not fouml favAr wifh the people of Koliala, and naturn)ly they do not care to be representod

I by such a rleft and nimhle diploI mat in' the uext | additional to his other delectable i traits, he is ;tn expert in small law business, and will probably be a very acceptable adherent of the socailed N"atlve »-sons of wliieh now eonsist of an ex-premier and and about twelve Hawaiian lawyers. . **' With such a-character for au op-. ponent we cannot help feeli»g, that onr readers wiil agree witb*us that Jfr. Kamauoha will carry the district, the native voters ha,.ving discovered that their interests are best served with men of emallei* menial calibre and less of that peculiar genius that is generally ascribed to the law profession. *