Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 350, 22 December 1891 — THE WAR MINISTERS CRY PEACE. [ARTICLE]


The following from the Montreal Wtekly Star, under date of v the 20th ultim<\ is a good commentary on BomepasBttgēs of Scripture. Oae, referring| to second coming, is "For when they sball say. Peaee and safety; then nudden destruction conioth upon them. as travai! «pou a wowan with child; and thev shal! not eaeape." 1 The?s. 5:3. Anotber ie Joel 10, whieh reads: •*Proelaim ye this among ihe lientiles: Prepare war, wake up the mighty men. let (ill tho men of

war draw near; lct them Come up; ; beat.your plowshares into swords, and yQur pruning hooks into ppears; let the weak- sav, I aai strong.' J Others might be dven referring to this very tirae, but these are sufficierfft in connection with many such utterances as that whieh follows,' to show that we are living* in the last days, and that before us but little space is the great battle of the dav - the Lord:—> — •• Whenever one of the Europeān powers "gives the world a new probf of the strength of its armaments, with every new ironclad built, jyith every new battallipn , ons the field,4t feels bouhd to* proclaim through its statesmen and newspapers that all these improvements meanB peaee, that its pnly aim is the maintenancē~ of the European equilibnum. And all atonce, from other countries equally improving their armamenfes. you hear as an eeho the same utterances, 4 We want peaee, we are working in the interest of peaee!* ®This has been the cry (keynote?) qf the last few weeke. France, whose latest diplonaatic successes are not eontested, and whose # recent pmnd man<x>uvreB have been partiou. "7 brilliant, has declared to chroQgh Mr. Ribot, *mimster of foreign affairs, that her only amh?tibn»tß the peaceful development of her resources and the mainienanee of her dignity. The German chancellor Her Von Caprivi, has lost no time in answering (in his speech at Osnabruck) in the same tone, and the German -and Austrian pqpers haveu echoed it. So,. all goes*'fo the bedt; but we have heen hearinu these things so many times now 4hat we will finish by not believijig in them. Without doubt, peaee is eecured until next spring but after that—. The new situation created by the FrancoRussian allianee makes war more !imminent than before; not that it | has resuscitated a newcause for war but hecuase the old causes always exist and have been aggravated.-Ex.