Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 350, 22 December 1891 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

i NQTICE . LADIES wishing their feathere dmt or eleaned and cnrled ean have it dbne by MRS. WERTHEHN. 103 Ber«tania Street. , LADLES wiehing to purify their co»nplexion and cradiate tair and freckles will he mstacted bv SIRS. WEBTHEEX £ree of eharge. 103 Beretania Street, the Arm<wy. o!7—d3m* « —" ■ r • : Pablic Nolie©. Know all men by this noiiee that frok thie day di»charged Mr. H. C. Ulukou, from actiae ever, in thech»rge md admktBtraUcm of all my proj>eilgr, andm the coUectkm ol.a& doea and rente apon any and al! my estatMn thi B kingcGm. * Aay one who holds or ie in poaeeaekm <« any property or who has aw otpaymentst<>make, wiU wil® me pwrsonaUy. al my piaiae M Ho»oakaha> at KAPIOLANL ~ per Joe. Nawasi. Hon«ioluNov. 3,1891. d-Sm. THE PACIFIC NO- - WOBKS, A. HERING. Proprietor. all kini>s of Carving and Tuminjf in Woods or Ivory, P(JiBhing ofShellß or other Fmco Painting. Rep&iring and deamng of Musicai I&aUmmeuU* Gun*s Scales, and any Light Machinery. Electrician6, Machmista and Ix»ka«Uh& Instruments, Modei9, ectvmadelo order. ttt* Oive ua a tria). ISS Fort Stroet, Hooolulu. 545 tf—d.