Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 352, 24 December 1891 — That Agent. [ARTICLE]

That Agent.

Tbat the "Agent 5 ' who brought einneae for Kohala Planters, is baving his rolatlon e #?rved up in a Htyle that makes } co-contrators squirm in sympathy for him, and to cry against the injusticc and tvranny of the Chinesē Courts~bf justice for rendering justice in favor 01' its deceived citizens, in lieu of the justice or laek oC justice In Hawaii nei towards the po<>r deceived Chinese lal>orer. ll *is :is we expected. and is oi>iv the prelude tu more suinniary ju«tice by the Chinese government, that nmv dealt out tc lif tle l>at mī,sguidedl Bugar-coated Hawaii. Tt imiy yot>i t>e deemed the part of valor and of diecretion to in some way smooth owr the suit j>rompted against Ah Lee, tbe Chineee governtnent agent Hawaii neii

r . "■ 'i' '■ " . " We are sorry to see the result of greed arid avānce ōn the part of our euga?" men, and the professionals who foster dissensions lead our government into disgraceful, and perhaps dangērous positions, by encouraging persecutions again?;t the laborers and their officials, who is officially interested to noliee and defend their complaints. It is a long road that has no turning, and we hope, that īn this instance, and for our good name's sake } that a turn will be given to the administratiQn of affairs in this country as will avert the degr«dation of being termed a slave eountry, where the aim is to serve a few monied men at the cost of the fireedom of individuals andtJiegood character ofour government as a nation. This rejgn is full of errors, and we fear it will result in a deluge of de»trnction, tbat may injure many innocent among the wicked one's in the high places of Hawaii nei.