Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 354, 28 December 1891 — They Disagree [ARTICLE]

They Disagree

We hear that the Mechanics Umon dectaration of- principles was Bubmitted to the Hui Kalaiaiiia Ēxecutive CommiUsc. and was rejocted bv tho latter. This is evideDce th«it a <iifTt ,ence lias occured among the BoodlerB, and soon the npsiHiatioiis will turn up di c :n )>ero<!. This attonii)t on the pan oi th< j lu. o.i to f a f<»r : 1» • l! 1: Ku! .iaina t})rou«h the lUt-le \j.>cK]*er, lī-«h failed miserably. H scoms that; th<» Hui i« no m"!'' (•> he fool eii by tho nor. by their j t»ol. So far the (7nion has no| l)iatform, and is noul;kely* to have one, as Bhown by tnis attetnpt to h >ve the Hui Kai-aaina dozen adopt one and then a jbmit it buck^

to'them for approval. The two as9ociations are not in harmony as seen by this actīoii of the Hni Kalaiaina, so the poor Boodlers are now at their wits end what racve to make next.