Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 356, 30 December 1891 — More about the Police. [ARTICLE]

More about the Police.

We are glad to>e© ilj«* A»lvci iis«T' oiill atteDtion to tho « orrupt atui! iaefflcieni poJiee fore«? ot* t h< <Hom. Tbieis ui.on wiueh ! wo have disooumed aj:n. »t cont:na-; i> is»ly for two ye»rs withmit

( any resu!t oth 3r than a growi|ig puhlie seritimpnt īh' iawioia. mepe houest adiaainīstration of the Attor [i\ey General's departmeiit, whieh > ha? acquired the reputation of ing tLe mŌ3t vioious and rotten |Of <■-the government. We now wkh jto I assiist our weleom'e aliv the Advsrj ■■_■■■ :■ ■ ■■*..■■■ ;. ! tiser, to fix the Tesponsibility whsre ;it and wo hope that the editor will have the courage-and fairness to lay these fects before ita readers. Of course, the Ca'oinet the Attornev Oeneral are responsible, that is, they know dishonest transaction that are oecuring araund them,but they are on- | ly responsible in theory, and are in • fact, fattening for the winter of dis!content that they see close upoti them. Considering the men and 1 their antecedents, what else sheuld be expected ? But the Bupreme Coārt has also ; the power to remove the marshal ' and sheriffs. They hāve eompleie control of the poliee deparlmertt. M r e ean see how the framers of the laws thought it nepessary to insert this provision to insure the incorruptibility of ail officers of the court. The court and ail that pertains to it, shonld not only be above reproach, but above suspi6ion. Our Bupreme Cou rt of .Ttldfcice men of the highest character and ability, and tbe people have a right to cxpect moro from them thanTrom an ephemeral and partisan cabinet.