Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 360, 5 January 1892 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]


INI>KFE3DENC£ OF THE COUNTRY MONOPOUKB ; 5. Wft Bhal! Mour «ftrU U> oUaio lawa by #faidi illlßvorhi*i ero»«at «ad «11 mo&opoUee. wm! apeoial elMne flbaß W rmdev«d lanpoMle, by fulU Mnile and m«iwbtorvetetiite«k 6» BMer lew&oōlA NplMi (be C3vilS«Tk*. ol tbe e*ectido oi eteiJVtiHi by tlie pftopfe ahoaM be wli&Nd, aad no imui tboa W be elkwred to Ml aow thAAooeo£oettpr«ft > wbflal nierka «boold be enlwele <»iOB»ew»ltoa k* PR(mXTfDH T0 HOMB INmm«tm 7. Woere ia faror of mrennfli>e eU Ktts^fcswaāĒ ead aleo H ®s>>e Ae*rty ment, it Ke ooatrefta ead #«r «<*»» to a«tleMl yim» PI?BLIC fiKR YAHTB» LO(ML SRLF-iH>YKRKMENT n. We «Mre e am Hberel jnttqr to» '- ontalde<rfOeha; ihnnW to '• no e leirer pmpoaikm el lbe pabUc !» <!» >•« for tbe dey>lnriiwawi el (Mr re» ?»' nve« ead tfte <UilWti> ef «Mr |»4ae>pk> «I ieeiil v < t ti»t«eS eboaid be eiteaded, ; W' fivinf loeelHiee ney cbneee tbe '» ' ''«portant <iitheir Kwml <»xeoeitlvi» «Md Wy tam (ortbe |ierpDi , - . .utmvwm\Ui<4» iwblic «aua*. • !MMTKOTION:TOTHK LABOUR)SY! CLASKBS N\c .«b*!l; «Hukm*? ~kll inēft»>urv ti !uUnf to ia|)R)\T tbe oMnHtioao< tbe ' \n »rfcing c\>a*eqoiiUy t yltb-» *.o«t iujuriag «uay veeted r%*h «« wai e*iv<M«te bwre to Bmeat «1 tertfeerte* ; tsr:r * "^7« « hMi wiU fcfe« M MgVnlM> mi ; 4**»r»dla« roa>a*ittle* vt»b tn# HaenK b!bor. We ebaH eWe, ia t)« iatem« of tbe b»tter nttictlM e<

mmm beest tkti ap la a kw hm&ēs ot pmNnmā lo «ait fewtteB, *adm*3k ' {arf&erslum» i <*pit&lista: but u «swll l»rmtni{« fas «&&• iotlw d»bllHv ot the jMie. ii ■ f)h«Qld pa «kimwl &v a ne« »&) I more liWml llome6teM! āct, by «la4i , tbe own«rebiji of *raaU tr»eu ot ku*d aml the-«ett*es»eot &ereoa el iaaiiie* of our preeeut a»d est«ciiai 'ty ui the natlve HAwmkaa who lmve , lieen left ā\mmt homelci« in ther© try,-«ho J uld he rendered posa*ble. To that e*d, the Govemntent and CVown ' land£. ( in «*far a« uan be «lone witbout invodtng vestcd ile«ote*! a* «oon a» pcwdble to homee&m&L aud oonferred n|xm' bcna-fLdO &£Uer« free oi taxeB for a limHed pemi. I£sbotild be tbe fart!iar «na oi goierii* M>eot tof at onoe, «9 ter iipwii tl»e meane of tranaporti matioiial and intematk>nal,—a* to proYide, in ( all the diFtricta, eheap «oeana of iag the prodof*t of the eoil to nwrket. KLECTORjIX, RIUGT 11. We hokl that n|»right aml hon<«t ' manhood. and not the m' Mo» * weaUh, arbttrari!y flxed, el. mett* ' the£i*httovote for noljhf ' ell aa repre«enutive«» and no more pow«r r ebould be «eoonM to the ha!lot of the rkh m%n than to ibe halM el the ' poor iian. The diBcriimhation in favor 1 of weiJth now mārie in onr Coe«titnt3<iti * i» contfary to a{] ihe etemal prinHple»f r of right and jn«tice. and mnet be aboli«dted. To thts end v n*e w»fl favir a hnl- ! lng oMh* pnae«it «U»tinctkm of wealth ai*l elaeeea »w|iWi hlemieh oar Imw 1 with reipeH of the right to m4e fmr no- | btee, thereby reetariß« to «be «eti\v l Hawalku» pri*flegr« whkb pertai» to . tbo»in ttwirown eoa«try,Mido# whkii tbey hmm beea dapgHnafl> ' ' IKTSSBAL mr*OVKME]STK I : : B 12 W«iifwtte «KpwfflHut<if«rtionOehnaiul gtimr soM. nM m& huhee* s aad wharvee t poUk i%|it, and aiaoa thore«gh *yateai el reewi'oiiß au- 1 w«feerWln, aet only lor Heeoluln» bot * tliron«b«ont tbe other lehw&i.