Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 364, 11 January 1892 — Political Echos. [ARTICLE]

Political Echos.

Th<-nr»u)ifiatioiiH wiiieh īlii* exe'fUtiv»« t , < inii)iUHf of th»* Meehnniea l'iiioH plami U*f«»re that nt tli**ir m»M»ting la«t ThurwUy nfght w#»re ;t H»rj>H>ie pnrtv. th »»igh it eras kn >wn for hoiuo timc th«t Keform PaM^**» i«oro« of th« m«Miiberß: l'hi'U «ueoe#sH, an<l th£t*eircherv of of the mwhaiiie* to every pniieiple that brought the MeehanieK l'nion and the \ttioiuil Reform T<rty tt»r geth«r art* now rnH<ie Mei» who hnve het*n rwlitical!y op|iosed to the XMtional pHrU-Taitc) men wh»» huvi*ig .V»ecn electefi to the l>pgi*]fiture hv the voiers of, that party. prove<l l>a«eiy tre«cherou«. are noir hn>ught forw tir<J 88 fftfi4idatef> for thf* Kiiffragf H of the |»olitical party whoin th« k y h«ve onee dereivcd, ' \ ,The X=tttioiiuV Pii:rt-y hap v«t nn unfulfil!ed āinl <luty to the people o perforin. Such a rois «ion cannot he e*itr4iBted to inen who have never heen in alli» a d svm-! pathy wiih thē Naiional Party. «»r' hav«ng been ao. have Iwen to the trust plaeeii in them. j >.i ii 11 /11 ~: > non»!R.iiioni« irhic-f» the Me-' Chanic« 11*4^?have made »re not | representative nf thaU*l»ody nor of tbe Xational Party. but .they are simply little Joh»nie I{«>wler'i» party With the |>ositive excei)tif»n of the )eading candidate, there i*ce • Rorne of the other candidatet< on j Bowler's ticket that do eouunand I ttie re«|>ect of the m»joritv of voters' of the National Party. and had t'.»ey | heen noniinated hv or in connection i » • I with the oopular liberol leagne of j the native Hawaiian*. the;rclectioii | wouid h»ve bt»i«n » wwpinp vit*- j torv. But n«»minHted a« they are, i hy a h<;ndful of hilKv*niatt dema-| gognett. and supporteU hy ān or- ■ g**nitation of len* tban 100 men. • they are foredoomed to failure. .1.! A. C. wap never iu it for a tnoin«nt, an<i we said to you J. S. Paui, i Arthur aod John that your friends! wili regrettingly be ohiiged to snow you under. The Meehaniea Union have loi-t iti original character of an organjx«thm of >iitelHftent mwrhaniry nn<i : workingmen, hone«tly stirving to|

hart tbeir rifbts rMpretod nnd U> *ecur« legis)ātiAn in their interestfc. Their mnk* b»ve been 81ted in wit|h Hiuatcur poHtician* from oth«r m lifc; and men lik« Wj<l«manioi. Macfur)aije, Berger atul oth»*ni wHo have iu»t tho «)inheat communitjy of intcro»t with tūochanic« or w«*rk-1 ,Aili»itM *wl; harc v !»eeri active wire in 11>«- . They. h»v« d*- 1 <r« iu'ratiHi in.to a nr?t of Boodktfs ofiiec Bc*ekerB; and B<*honirng politl-* eian*. They have beoouje- the veritahle Tatnmany Hail Uing of H«waiian |M*litic*< and Johtitiio Bow|er ifs th»»ir 4, tkw«n. M Tho connervative and more r*H>-pf-*ctahl«* e!«*menf of the Meeha.iio* l'nion fiave withdrawn from the org;iitizritiou and wil! no longer folloo, th«* l< ad of Ik»D« lk>wlor. lt wnuld a|)|»ear from the t«Mior ai>d contplexi««n % v'f the ni«Htng laKt ThorHday n!ght that tHe ' % busa M „ tfa» l>eing Bop|K>rted by the Hori|. J. S. \Valker, V O. Berger, E. C Macfnrlanc and H. A. \Videmann. and tnc mccting whs parked with emergciu'y men fron» th«? Unioii Iron Work« hihl farthion»ble stablefl. The reM leadcr» of the Union in itf* iast £l«»)paign yi!l leave thcnc gcntlcmen to run things Ui »uit them«e!ve»i. The, maLority >>f ihe old body of n eahanie» and workingmea have already gone r»vcr to tbeI 4 il>eral I/eague. and the fait!ifol few who remained l»ehind, will eoon lK>ft froiti thn Union and join their nativc Hawaiian friend(* of the IHhenil. lc*i.gue ami aaaist thrm to dc» fend thc natiotial platform ancf pnneiplea. The luum of native Hawaiiau votera aud tiieir Portu£iieiM and forcign lricj«d« rcpu«liatc the MeehaiiHH Uiiion a« f<t preif<*rit eon* atitut Ml. and dēnv their right t» ap|x>ar f«ir or nneak for the Nation!i) Partv. f<et tho«e of the Reform r«rtv who it is said conteinp!ate «88isting thc Meehaniep Union ticket. paiine tnil. l»cware.—Arc the preaent lcadcrs of thi» orgAi)ization men wlioni v«»u ean trust rn the dict:»tion of thc }>i»! : ticnl afTair<i of thii* couiitrv ? Are their noiuineea and allief<, inen in-who»? vou have every confi«!cncc ? Thcn Ktudy the ticket whieh the nativc HawaiiiitiB or Nutional fJberal r«rty hnve put bcfore you: Turge your cx>nM;ic-ticeft of the perKonal prejudica with whieu diahoneat and ungenerotia villi.lers have Kought to imbue rou againat .men wh<» have been honeBtlv striving for the'gf>od of titeir countrv and th?ir couutryuicn, that the mae? of native Hawaiiaua. and their alhe* among the Portuguoae and white worktngmen. fonti th«* iuaiu hody of tlie Natioua) P«rtv; that their |K>Htical aim are honoraive. aud that they arc cluatering in grcat strength aro,und the ea.ndidates whom they have nominated oh the Nalional Lii>eral platfi>rin. The leader« wili be aoiemnly pledg cd lo a policy, patrioticai!y and honePtly intended for the independeneot peaee and proaperity of thia eountrv. The Natioiial L beral Party i8 iu»t sfter plaee or )jood)e. hut iraniiuated by genuine n*tive devotion to the eountry. Thc mcrchTtrttflr of thhr'rttv aboald not "oneieum this )argc l>ody of 1

votefs - tMir indiri wHhool good i«Baoii. Tbe HaUooa! P««iv h»s jutt caufte for eiistence. ind ii woui<i be bettrr for ihe peaw of (his country if cwir proiuin#tit men should thw fa<ct and hjr MieiiiinK r»th*»r th«n oppoain|k |mve the *ray to h rii<)reharmoni<>*ifi cotidHion of ftoi)irE, for thn n#UvA [ H»vitiiAM nt JenBt are €teteriuine(i «pon ihie Btroggfe fot a weof nitton of their rigbte bjr a proper revi#km of the Con»tHution. *f tbe sjneeri* ty*of the leiideri of the XatHmii Liber»i Pkrtr i« doubted. their true objec» and miMion oan he eatily discovere<K*there ia nothing t» ooneeel, «nd weetnph«ticftiiy repudi«te tiny itnp»Uitio# of trwtcherou» or dithi)iN*»t pur|Mifte. We elaiiii thftt the Katio)iil Libt*ral Party mtd its 3argeib]iowixig of native and e»gn voters are better entitied to the oonsideratioii of theintell»gent iuen of thtt-<K>inmunity who have any mterret iii' the wclf«re of *-he eoniitry, than is the Taintiiāi»y ring <»f boodiem and schemer« headod by boss Bowler, »nd hi* other Hibernian wire piUlen*. Fkkk Lan< K>