Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 371, 19 January 1892 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]


PHINOII'LE OF iiOVKKNMKNT ANU CX>NStITimON. | 1. W» deem tt»«l ai! Oon»n»mrnt •houki \m fnujnWd on ih« principU-» of Übertr, Kqaality iihl Fr«teroitr; vf hokl thatall mo are borii fre«aad«qaa) hēfow th« l«f ukl «r» iwd wd « ith iiialieoahi* righu to lif« ( to Überty, to jMx>pertp. U> the pursuit of h«fpiMn «ti*l U> f*lf-prota*ttoti tf&inrt «rhitr«rf roncM)tr«tion of fower, irrespon«ib}e w«altl», «n<l unfair romp«titk>a. We be !ir\f th«t ju#t |o\tfo«Miit exi*ti only by th« eoammi of Uw and th«t, wh«i it hwoiw Boi'BManr for the p«blie w*lfan». tl»«y taay aholiiKh existinf form« aad «itabtish more a<tvaiitaBMHio aml equit«ble and, a» th« p«tmt Gon«t)t«t)on oftiw Hawaiiaa Kiasr dom mvm haa had ap|>ro%<al oftK# !Vopl«, Wut waa «atabli«kd br inUhii«laUon and fraud lor tfu» b>twflt ol a «*rt«i» HaM, th»wlor« w (mvor th« adoptkm of a bnt aad mor« !iberal Con«titutkm, to tmly meune a Ck>%wnment % th« Kuple and/W thf INimPKNDKNrKOFTHKCX«T2>rr»Y f 2. Ontof<\makt«rntion for the inhtr«nt ri|hti ftttd pnnm opinioi» WUw na> t»w fN>|»niation. n« darair« to r«tain Um i*nlcr«mkmr« of th«» l\Hintry and «Mam) i auto&oaty. umWr a ltb«ral aml pop«lar lorm of gov«ran»«ni, b<itour Tr«ate 1« ith Kort»igti l\>*r«r*. aml y«ap«Ha)l «ith th« l r niUMl Htataa of AmaHoa, ►'hwW h« r«vt**d. »M to h«U«f «MWt |trcaiuit nwwiitiw aml u» «d«tain «tor» «quttabte alvanttf« in thoaa franlad by m, jrwri.\RV Kmmnn .% iH»r Ju«lMar> «y>ti>m ami i «d« ot l*r«)r«dur« ma*t b« •abm«tūKi U> a thor«ufti r«via4m. •»«• to mw« a i-lwip aminmmpi adminiatratkm of ja*t>or fH« t«f ali mlaHan a|4rit. »ml to u«ml«r th« J(H%ac mor« dinwtl> w»-

poiaUile tn tb® a«d w« m ia fairor of « non libet*l iaterpntatioe of Con»titatiooaJ g«»nu>ieoi oC th« Crwdoffi of speech tb« pre«« T.\XATI(»; * iA ttoif jwi aMd |iwfKt «jnUM o(. TMCfttkN) mo«t be to »bo. liah the proemt by whWi the propnt]r nf th« poor w M(«nivf>i]r Uuied, while oaeeh oJ th# rioh mmn'» iood* «ty oader>\nlue(l ior wmmani or entiral3r eeoipe tax»tion; we «iwll there<ore WeMUMI tUe ol la»s tl»t will tnore eflfoctually the p xjperly of corpormU> n* aml rWi «ti■ena lo thmr just propwtion of pub)ir hnnlene. <rhile «rantinf more liheml ezemptions to Ihe poor; nnd u a mean» of <liecour»gi«ifr the lorkinf up oI krfe trarta of oneaia%-»tod landa. a «MAeien. tial tax ehonki be W»vieU in additioo lo th" uau&l aaoMMneni on \-alinUion.«hich p' Mbe in proportio» to the fertility the aoil. We ihall aUo fa\x>r the ee* tahliahmeat ol a gmduated ineowe tax. and thua expeiH to ohtnin nm|de fnnda lor condnrtln|t the fo\Tn»ment and atla»diny te all wmiMfy pnhlie inpim*. menla » ithont any further mlle on the MONOPI)UK9i 5. We «hall nae our e&art* to ohHUn lawa bjr «hk>fc all tavoritfcpi in %he«nv >rnment «ml all mooopoliea, tmal»nnd l»ri\ile«āa to »perial einaaae ahnll be re»derad impoaaihle, hy full, <Mttite nnd mandatorr wtat<rtea, I*CWJC »KIVANT*. 4 A. Retter hw ahonkl re««bte the (> vil Ser\*ke. The prtnciple of the tkm of oOkm of the prN«iMat hf Uie petipb ahonhi W and no nton ahonW be alk>«ed tn hoM mnfe than «ne e#ee of pMN, whitet akr.n be »ili|»nn nimpnnailliiin for the«nrvina« rami«rad, All exm«c4ve «a> laHea «hwiM be radwned nnd all aine mvee or imp»tnaim ailoa aholiehed. - PROTKCTtON Tii HOMK L\IHW*l** 7. Weare in lav«r hmwe ajnmhnrennd mteMrir>, wu nati\r lihe

and fo«t«red hjr proper tariff reFtd&tlo&; aad al9o it n>Mt Um dnty af itfl cooti«cts aad at)nr opei» tkm, to gtv* preieiew lo n*lioesl pto> d«ctf ow iaiwr(ed «M8 U)CAL BSLK-GK>VfcRHMKST 8. We i more lihenU poHrr t«v v«nU the iiiflfeivttt LM»ndß of tho Kiag<> dovi,o«t«M)eof(Ml»a ; Uwjr sho«M r©eoiw a Uirer pmpwUoa ol u»? pahlie BH>m*yB ior th« tWx>lopm«niof th«r r«uml tne «tMMtirn of thoir w»nti. In f»rt, tho pHMple ofior«u, BHf~gov«rttnM*t «ho«ld 1* «xtmd«d, wh»rehT fiving hiHUn mt ehooo» tW ro<wt inporUnt of thoir loml ex«r«tivr «nd Wvy tnaim īor tb pnrpooe i rn) inu>rovßtm**tt* of • pnbjk* nm«rr. PIIUTKiTH>N IX> THK LABŌCRINU CLASHgB V. \V« nhnil indmtt n)1 mmarr Mn« to improv« Ihe rosditk« of the «xjrkimt eiMw», nml ron—mii nity t **ithonl injarinf iwy vtmnd righl». ve vfll »d\iK«t« )»«* tu )MWont i)i ftxi)Mv imf poHalmn or of rontr»ct lnhor of mt liin( «pon rondition« whieh wi)i hrinf ii inln i minma» nnd diffndtnt mnipHiUn» with fwv Hini jpiirv)iite khaf. Wo «Ml «1». in t)n i«tff«it of U» b»im - >*ni«rtwm u4 Uw poor,n«k ter nor» liWtti of Uw4r proptHy frw» fet*d w mml tra«| m*z*rc U inakmp^ prwf»Hat' HMMA. UIUIINU AM> lIOMK !•. Tl» w«nlthr fmrtion «f «ar r n>>lM mm% nf in in<bpi>>iA>nl eUi» nf nli—m, Iho pnhlir hunl» hn\>» Wtnn irnidwd nd hnvo hM Un) ip in i fcw Mi m nn*rdM t» wii Iwiw, «nd mmA W«ii iad pMm IMVf W»n dhvn <mpHnHii> ; hni m mmM Ut%mkmH tm~ t» U» «m¥ltftv nf th* 9iah, H <lwald »• mnaniii I* i n»v »«i nmen lihr«nl nn»»rtiid W whi tW «nmokip nf «MnH tiMl oT tnad nnd t)n wtU>MliyU>«in>n of hniHn uf«irpwnH pnpnpllon ~nnd wpw iaH )y «*f iW n«li\T nanmikni «h«« hnw

bM kH nfaßMßft kMMOIMI tn ihMM»> i tij alionld W iiad<««d poM.hli. Tn ihai m»&, ih» Oommml aad Oi« lnBd». (I&»tnr m m hn iawwUloal froe af tnxM for n KalM pamd. It ihonkl h» the fnrtfewr «» «4 maninrat to, nt oneo, n fnr UapiMi H» awnn» of WnipaHi Uon,~loc«a. nnlian •1 nnd lntan|itinnili-i> lar pwvUn. In jdl Ihn dbtriel», rhMp mwm of <jatiy iai Un prodnn of Ihn mII to anrM. Rl*fiCTl>*AL RIHUT. 1?. Wo hohl ihnl npri«hlnnd noaM anaM. »nd nol Ih» gi—laoiun of v«nHh t nr%»*?nrfty fiui dioaU ewah ih» rtfht t*> vote lor nohlM a» «d) m niawiiaMea, nwl M nm pwn ehonkl h» nrcordrd lo tl» fcn!lot «I tb rkh" nu th»n 1o ilw InN of lhr poor im. |W <toHwinnti»n In hm of v«nhh now mmW In onr Cunlitwtiim i* rontmry to a)l lbo rlrrī>il yī)nit|ilti» * of nght nnd iwllii id. TV> I)»Hm),ivviß hnrl )rv«h ing <1 Um |h|imml ilMlniHiin nl wonhh nnd rtnain whMi WiMiali onr Imm with r«i|wit of iho Hgh» w» fnr an' hIM, thmhy wilwln» ta Un Mlht HanUaaa p*Mh|M «Mdi piilili ln llMi in tinir rrrn niali}. iinl nt alAli Unjr Kaii law n|nmh ikm)iwl. intkrkal It WnfhvNrUa» mnaHiau nf aM' •ftd ****** «I nnninh» mml