Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 372, 20 January 1892 — ANOTHER HOODLER. [ARTICLE]


Tii* Holoiuum w McwitK>iuing in Ki.gli§h. Uft>intK*dtM9fon* is in- ( coiiipl«t«- witbout *ome aeknowl-1 iiient of the ium))« of fat il ftt*U fr»n» the Mtfuit iuid thfgov<Tn» j uifiit. lt will b* n gmit (irgiiii ; whili- th«* i»ulriie tre*;<ur3 is tappcd j t«i,j»n ivj.de it* sUffwuh fi*e ««mp Bush ii* in every j**r Th«t'« right, kefj» uk before yout Surry ; th<- H«.lou»ua is »K»t worth «Hr mk.. ft ownwl bv the lwf trn#t and; thegovernii»eiit t »iid fed j ist m»w j bv the j>ublk* tr**si#ury. Kiiig j Pnrker hitd opdk*n*d thnt hJI |uv>] erniuerit >idverti»iiif »ha)i U? given j to two pa|ierB (eave the n»Ark ) of j whieh thi#i r»ty. the Uolomnn ie o»e. They l»ua«t of Uieir gvK*i Eogii*b;j yēB, jMdished uo with a ahiii bon« j of the b>*eforuct. i««i «»u with yuur { u.itt h*rruw Hoiouuui. I That the flrst aj>jifu&r« neo • f tliej !f«4oui.in K..gtigil : j-.ige *lmu'd be> of h XVrii,ig di«t»A«iUoiij t wards nll politir« )y |«»! the H«.HKilers sh(»uid i»<» «urprise lo the get»erst A* i| wfll known that thf writer «»f the t>pleen in iliia iu ftr»t ventur ?i* rery fre*|ueiitly 01:t of < temp-r with hiuiiHlf. when fhort! t»f a aubject t*» «}aurrel with or toi fhow ufl|' his irmnciblv h"«) Jotni-, neī*ring di«(»«*#ition. That thei iiauie»,of;tiit.«e hi atU fU'»ts to bes- j uiirch as mkhml at»d uoiiueal out*, eaela are i»ot so, «nd further uiorej he d*re uot attetuj»t to prove. but j ttiat iie delil»fr;itely atteuii»ts toj sladtier those who are iii «»ppuaiti«»i», t«» htti! or croj» lii«u in «»pintons *is! ik> ive)l knowu io tins coiiniiUnity ] lh»t it is ttsel*Ks .1■• par«ile! hini t<» the uubi o .v» oiie uhj ts | utterlv iim«»c*Mit «»f any thm« jn?r i to trutn in hts dtuiuuitive j j>hvsicnl ma-ke uj», and that the |>eo|;le he »>ses aueii han*h j,»»d ut- ■ t»*r>v unjiistiHib|c ter.ii? to«» are the, *ery opjH»«ite t>> him iu thj geiH*ra)! iilake up «»f tti.itilioud Miid attri- j butes of cititeiiK. Thev ai>» oot cryi«g»ng t«» lheir suuor utv|»rinct|iM Bu)lys t»; the unf»»rtunate ♦*tuploye«* who *re. froni K*nv «if eot»ditt'*ns ji)ac«<i

unlw»r nnU &«r *« iho «|> lo M«n|u«* «iml lUin *fi» j oiwwihhl Ih» lbh» to |»>Vf tna( mNirly two inoiilh* iijgi* (Wy ( rw»i%t»\l i»ot t<i «iw|it nmuiiM' j ti«m if at it e\mr' t«» th*m t-h«*ti tb«t th*fv *«• m»v ehii»v vork i»» u«* in thr ctMumitt««», «nd it vm «U» «ihnur to th*m «hoM| |>üblic miml it Wn«, K*»ikg ( dMiHmMr«N by mHiil#r» of ihe, ♦x«utm iiM iiiWn of th« Mwhsin- ■ Ki l'nnw (\iuuifcitt<*; thrv re«o!tit*» • lv ikklwl u» *t«ir 1« ih«t ; ii*. h«ww aiMi m* thf o»«*l of the { to iu in*l Who «kwp «l*»/i|fn.tt** 4ii» «Ivvn)uv9f», 1 in tit#n «ho hav* l»wi pr»|ii>rty (u iMm* fcr ty yfiiM in thf |infli»iD or thw

who h#ff tu gu s«t) for « |irriodl' to «1W tlme to obtitmte tbtdr «HoH oomiinK» &i eiUeeiM. or don it nieAii whiih of tbe olhers of Hohm>ua>'« |eftttdi«UUM, ihal'i n»> thing; but «n ob«i ure and l|al«l fuiieral will w olam their M mm i**j of ckār*B*er, In ih«»n it tould br j»Mlt li f<ar th* HoliNiM tn gn slow m. )«rioiN(htiM. tb«fp urr all roniid tbat w<mld be ju»t aa wrll |o Uve in tbe eloaikU and «llowml to Um deeiy of tii£e, ar»d in tMf r»uiarka we «nake ik» exception eyen to tbe wbeesr |»olitician* a«wi orf*t»iser nf Kaāhuma* uu Sireet.