Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 373, 21 January 1892 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]


PKINeiPLK OF (iOVKKNMENT ANU C(>N^TnrTION. We «ieeni ti>at all (}ov<Tiini«*nt | «houUI beioumlei! 011 the «»i LilK»rty, E s uality *nti Fraternitv: *e liold thafc all men ar« Iv>rn fre* an«l «nuil before th« law an<l are «*nti wwl wirli inalienahle righti* to lifo, to lil**rty,-to j»iuj»ertp. U> the j»iirrtuit of haj»j>ine»«f« .(i)d to ssttinct arbitfary «oncentration oi f»ower, irreafnMipihle weaHh, an<l nnfair i'oiu|*etitioii. Wel*» exi*t!< t»nly >y the eoiiMUl of the IVō|»le. au«l that. when it heeome* net-es««ary f<>r the |»ul»Ik* welfare, they may aho!i*li exiHtiiij? form» anil ff»tahli«<li nioPi' idvai».t«n»)iw.' ] ami e«juitable -ii)>teui; aiul, a* the |ire«ūni t roiiHtitutio'.i «»f the Hawaiian Kii»g- - fioni never haa i*a«l the a|>proval of the l*eo:»le, bnt wa»« establiiMle«l bv witinii<tatlo»r aii«l fraiid for the benefit oi a .•eit:iin fia*, ti»eref<»re we iavi»r the a<!o;»rioit «t i. m*w aiul inore liliwal <**»n--(it't'itioii. triily «e<-im* a <iovernnw*iit »1 the lVoj»le, !>>> the lV«»|»le atnl /«»/ ihe l'eople INUKI'KNI»FN<> OFTHKCOUSTRY <lul u ''uii<i»l«'rHtiōii ,iV»r th»> inherent ».an«l ;»re~«*nt opinion!» of th" iihti>- jK>pnlatioii. .'we 'ler?»ire to retain tlie inJej»eiwieri« ē ot tJie Cōuutry an«l 'lefen«l it - «uit*»noiny. un l»*r *!itK*r.al aint |K>j»n-* lai i'»rui ot governnieut; l»ut «ntr Treatie>» *ith Foreiu:n Powi-r-. and ye«*j»e«*iall mit!i tUe l'nite-J Ktate* «»t Ainerha. y,ii t'il'l Ik* i"\ *o :i' t t<» Ik'*ter ni'*et ne« e» an<l to o!»taiu tii->re e> ir ta hle a<!vu n*x2'"*lt.i •• v < hajige of t!ro-»e .• i t«nl V»v : * v

JIJUICI VKY RKFOHMM Our Ju«liciary «vHtem an«l Code ot l , r«K*e<lure inunt be MubmitUKt to tMiior | ough reviK»on. m» as to *erure a eheap an«l;»r<»mpt A<lminii*tration of iuHiiee free of all MH tafiaii or t»ti»an «pirit, • ml to : 4emler the Ju«lgeK tn«>re 4irectly res}K>iiHil>le to the l'eople ; aml we arv in favor of a more lil»eral iuterpretatioti of ConHtitutional guaranteeH of the ti *edoui of f»j>eefh an«l the pre^f 1 \ XATION 4.A more junt uml j»erfei t nyMtein of. Taxatiou tnu*t Ik* ina'i)?urate«l, to aU). lifh the prew»nt inequa!itiej», by whieh the |»ro|»erty «f tiie j»oor i» exi < eMively tajy*l, while inuHi «>t the ri< h inaii'K i<o«KlH are uiider>valii«Nl for flx*e*»<iiient «>r entirely em*ape taxation; we Nhall therefore «lemaiul the pawa|fe of lawi* that wiH more etftM*tuallv »<ubjtM t" the proj»erty of c«»r(»orati nx aml rieh eitizen« to their jiift pro)K»rtioii of puhlie hunlen». while i<ranting more li**»rtfl exeinptioiiH to the |»oor ; «ad ana mean» of <liwv>uratfinif the l<x-kiiijf up oflarge tra«is of umniltivat«d lami*. a diffeh*ntial tax *houlU l>e levie«l in a«l«litiofi to Ht*iial am*wunenr wn valna»roii.wtiieh <*h«»til«l be in |>roj»ortion to the fertility ot the »»oil. We nhall aIKO favor th»* «•*. tabliiihment of a graduate«l ineome tax. aiid thu»< exjK*. t to obtain ample lumln f«»r eomlu(*tirtie the #>veriiment afl«l atten«line W all i»e<-eM ,ry puMie improve .n»entK- with«>.ir anv fprther«»all* . n the MONOPOUK* A. \VV nhāli iu«e «»ur eflbrt>* to oUlaiu lawK l>y whii-h all t'avoritiwm ii r i the go. erumelit aml all iiiono|K»lieK, tniKt.-» aiwl privilege* t«» »|»e« tal . >hall l»r ren«lefe«l itii|K»KHil;ie. by full, .letiiiite an<l man«laturv MtatuteH. lM'ni IC SKR V VNTs. '*». law» <ih«»ul.i r«'^u!at.-*!h» ('ivil "erv:.r Tli»' pnn. ip!.- ?ii,-

, tion of aftitvr« of th«* vC'»vernnifnt by ! th«* people «houlii lie egtah!iāhed, and no 1 iiian phould be aiiowe*! to hoUl inort* than oiie oH'u e of j»rofit, whiln) Malarie« «hoiiI«! Ih» a* r fffT' the t«arvi< , ei« ren«lere»l. All ex<*ei*ī»ive *alariei« HhoiiUi l»e rediice<l an<l »11 («ine eiinw or MiiperfiuouH otticec aWolinhea. ■' i*RWTKOTIOS T<> HOME INIH'STUTKS 7. W« are in favor of encourafriii)( all honie agri(-u!ture hiul imiuKtrief, atxlaii our n»tive pro<lii( U», llke ru-e, eoffee, wool, to>nu*»•(>. et«- x!i«miUl l»e prot#H te<! aml fo«tere«l V>y j»roj*'r tarifl* reyuUti«>n; an«l alwo it mui*t !*e the «)tity of tlie v,»ovmeht. in it* «'<»ntra«'t?i an«l other oj#era(iona, to #ive preference to national pr«>«!uetH over inioorte«] onen. UH AI.SKI,V ii«A'KHXMKNT H. We <leairf a nmre lil»eral jn)|i» v to wanln the iliffer«'iit Mj»'t<lii <*f tlie Kingiloni, out«i«ie «4 U#iiu ; thev nliouUl reiysi\A a |*r«>t>ortk»n of the |Mil>li«' money« for the «lev* l«ipmentof their re*«>rw aiul tfte 4>atUfaetirn of th#ir wāiit#. in faet, tbe priiiH|>)e of loea** ?*elf-governmeiit <*hon)<) l>e exten«le«i, whereby xtvinie loealiti«H may v)i<mw* t!ie m«Mt im|H>rtant of their ln« a a| exeeutive «>f*ii-erx, an«l levy tase** for Uiej«ir|*** 1 <•«! ini!>roveinentH «>f a pubjie natur<'. i?ROTKI TION TO THK L\BOrR!N(i t'LASSKS \K We Mliall eii«l«>r»*e ail Tnea»«ure tēii«iii;}r to improve the <in»«liti»n«>f the workinj< elamie»», ainl < «m?<e<j»i»-nt!y, w it h#out in>urjn>r j»ny ve*tt*l right#i. we wf!l a«lvoeate law* to prevent all furthtr iui}M>rfation «>r empl«iyuient of eoiitraetlalwn of any kio.i, u|pon ei>n«liti«>ii)> whieh will l>ring it int<# a ruiiious aini <le}(rH<tiu|i r.»mpt titiMU|w ith free liuwaU ian or \vhite la!>of. V|ia!l ai> (( . Mt tlte ii«ter«»ft •»! th»« v x>tfiM'- <ū the :»>k for nn>r.« dlnvr.il exeu»;>tu>n

oi their propert y from foree<l naleon ex eeutioa.and fr«>m fteizurc ia baukruptey ' proeee4in|{. SMAU. FAJKMINCr AM> HOME i STKADS. 10. The weahhy fraction of onr |>opula.ioti have hitlierto prevente«i the deve!opment ofan in<le|»endent elaw of citixen«t; the puhlie lan«la have.been acquired and have heen tied ti|> in a fcw han«iii or r>areelled to auit favoritei>, and nniall fariwert« aml i»lant<*nB !iave l»een driven Mt »>y corpon»tion« or emibinatk>ns of eapitaliBt«; but ae «mall farminii ia eoniueiw to the atabiiitv of the Htate, it «houlil pe eiicoiiratie4l by a nen nud m«>re !iberai l]ome««tea<l act, bv w|ieli the owi<erf*hīp «»i *mall tn>« tH «>f land an«l tue W:ttlen)ei»t tiiereou of families of our pret*ent ]>opulatioii.—-an«l eppeeiali !y «>f the native Hawaiian* *\h<> have fc*en left a!tnpHt homeleae in thert>coun-try-t*houid be reinlered }nmk«.M«>. T« that end, the. (tovernroent and Oown landH, ( iu wr|far ai« ean be «U»ne « ithout inva«!tn« veate<i right« ) hlioiiUl be devoted a» m*»n a* iHWPiUe to hom«etea«lff. and eonf« i rre«i npon buna*fkla wttkn frv*h4ii taxeaJor a litiiited i«vngiU. it mIiouUĪ bpthe ftirther aim ot nienl t<>, at | so far improve tl«a aieanK of tranc|>drti tion,~loiaJ, nt»tion. a! an«l international, —a» to provide, in all the diatrictii, eh«»ap meane of convey> i-W the )»roilut t of the aoil to i»arket. Kf.ECTORAI. Ri!l<iT 11. >Ve hold that uprurht an«! lion«vt t»anhood. an<l not tl»e poweeniou of vealth, arh*trari!y «xed, shou!d ihē r%!it to vote for noUea aa well m repr**entativei», and no m«»re power «Ih»uUl !>e acj-orde«l to the !>a!U»t«»f the neli m*ii tban to th«' hal)ot of the poor nian. ,lj»ie <!iwrimin*ti<>» in f AV <«r of weārlth iid«i tua<le iu oui r«>ti»titutioii 'k <*«»ufrarv t«> all the et-rna! priii< iplee «■>f rij?ht an«* ii|ii*tin' and nm>*t >>e nl»»!i>li «♦•! .To thi* en«!, \v<». wil-l favoi a l#»vel-

ing of th« preecut (HiUinlkm of w*«*ith an<l <'l«98(w whK'h bleniish otir iaw» with rwpe<t of the Hght to bU« f thmby re9ioring t<> the miti've whkh" in to th«m in their own «Hmtry, ©f whieh h»v» hera ttniitfitlr depri¥6d. INTEHNAL IM} k R(>VKM£NTN 12 We fnvor Uh? expeoditure ol »u£k ciMit sqbui to wmrf -.amber U needtni puhlie īnpi-om»*?** tm < i«ht» aml other !siandfl; railrmdii nnd harbora ami 4harveii, pubii« !igh-, aiid «teo s thon»ugh syatem of r***TYQin iml wat»r-worfc*, not oniy for H<moiotu t hut throuah<H>iit the othi>r Inlamki.