Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 375, 25 January 1892 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]


That thcvfmQchi«f nvott* of ihe Lilx»r«iJ Partv wil! he. oi\p mai», ooe woinan, one v«'t«. It i> iho Htxxiivrs f:»vor it |»lur.ilitv <>f Th.»t P«n!'« IH-**1 H-** Mv iv tryi«*js to ro|M' in Banker Chnriey !.*> i.»|>»>rt IV** lk>wUr'» Tarr,n»ai,v r.u g, ,Uut CharW ii«ver t iuv t » . eiaertai.i hte propositicn ; :-Mj«r|»lot v »«v» tii- if Ihe M'»U>mim v Kng!ij*n Th ;» Pit>t is tu war ihe Liimniih. b K i: ih<r ■ }>iott«rJi «re gftting Sj»read c tit tm» They g:>t .on ■ the *trMis :'logother M aii rishi. hut ik? Kifke!iny c«ts thējr art* £un&iu£ too m«rh *'IndepenUence." - the Queem< «*-«oachiuan iiiti pretent rent collei tt.r i» \n h;ui form, apjieannft a® a c*ndi<Utt* for poliUeai himo«Mu&ti thereby l»fomUii>glv <lrafging do«ra th» Koyal nnme iutoth# mtt(!d% ftroatu of j»»!itics. J« Heluheiu of the {|geens «hoi&L, m t a jjl«ear iti »f he had anv aene^. ' ThrtJ ('oionel ha» no. hu#* in n» to b. r.M intriguing m<Miifar of the wexecutive c»m»iiitw~iof the r )k>odiers l T nton. H* J» a puhlie t>fflccr, pa»d out «tf tht? p.uhl e fi:n«U to comniMnd a guard of i>onor i\\x>vA the Queen. and if he gets*' too frc»h'V wiih hi* ofTcn»i\-e parti»an»hi{> he ia liahie to have hi* o(ticin! head "tī bv u futurc ;uliuiMf»trati' on. 1*« avc pol tii $■■»• \w Na:n stick t<» Rmii, and R d t ,h .