Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 376, 26 January 1892 — Political Echoes. [ARTICLE]

Political Echoes.

Tho secon(l evil with wliieh tbe v\t il parU «f our cnuntrv ia lhreattm«l hv the 4, ?ugar barone" i? their p o;'osi#vl it>tention to *ecure the fr«>e.»»Mtry '>f ric*- fronr Chin«i and .lup.in. Ti.v, oS-jo» v t- of thi?» i> to

enahle theiu to fwnl their wretcfecd eoolie* a little cheai>er. If tbey Bbci < eed in their selfUhly evil design it wiil be the tleath knell ofthe s6eond induFtrv of the kitigdom, and Our fztenaive and pmllU'/ie Hee 6e)ds will l»e ahaiidun(i! lu fallow idleni'P.-. The uati\'e Hawaiian will be Ihe «■orct suffV'r*-r. l»ut iu: t»y othnr Hiiall lar<l - h<>l<}«*r- Will have to HuflTt r with thern. All over KAlini an<l Oaliu ♦ Mj>o< a iail v are iiminy th»»u* i«an<Ji< »»f arr»-Kt < f rir<' laiul umier li'ft}»e t<» ('hineae who p«y high ret)Ihlk. and hundre<U of nativeit live u|M»n th<* r««nt» m; reeeiv<*tJ fr<»m th< :r kulfana. 4 . Many whit« |)eople* <lfrivt* hand. e ome rHvemiva r roju tra<*th of Ihiul* alp<» n<> lfa»ed. Though the rice iu<lui<try is emall eotn}»«re<l with f>up:ar iti* prt>fit« «re inore uide!y di*<tributed and it if ■a« iixluPtry w<»rthy of protecti«m aei<l eueouragenieiit. I*et oriental rice ih free. aiul the Hauaiian r»ce ii»tere»tf« w«<uld 1k» wowe paral>xed than HUg;»r if n»u, in fact all init ruine<l. 'N'ow why »?u»uld our nee infcere*t» t<> tne gre«"l o'. the «iugar haronN. tt if> «»<<t th«' C'hin* eee cultivat«-r who wii! sufl"er. Thev wiJ! einigrate a»»d «way-, while the lan<l own< r lH'waiif his renti*. The ('hinew rice grower nettf from hift pad<ly hut little morethau go<»d .?aget. The chief profit i« ni«de aftei ihe )*uddy i? hu!!ed, di»d tne hulk of the erop if fiatvle<l !»v Amerioati uurchatifft in Honoluli:. 1 Are not,thef*f Hawaiian le*ff<»r.< and iiierehMntx. wh<» are a nuinvr<iUf< coodtituen< v cutitled to tH)ual con«ideration with the tugur r»alK)he? What econotny wiJl the e«gar hari>na effect by kiilitig tl;e rice huaiiieēi. Thev pay for Hawaiian rice about 5c.. free rice from the orient would cuet about 3c. tbua ; effecting a savitig of 2c.. and ns eaeh laborer eonauii.ea on an aver:»ge ahout 5 sacka of 100tbh., eaeh annually, the economy would aiuouni to aboiit $10 per head vearly. $ay * plantittij>ii having 300 ha nds would save about #SUUO antiually. A |>altry auiii in eomj>.iri6on with ihe <>tl»« r extravaganl chargeB ft»r inter - ialand freights, commission, &c., aod it <loe>» nol jufti.fy.the sacrifice of our second industry. Our annnal pr«*lurtion of rice i»* :4'botit 30.n00.000|b». Two • th!rdaof thin is consHtued here ar»<l the proĀts retalned in 4he country. About one-th>rd only is ahippe<l to Cnlifomia. Free ric« from'the ori£nt would oblige us, if wecontinued the industry to ahip it all to C'aUfornia. and Rawaiiats ric.i wouhl be robl>ed <»f lta loc«l f<»r the benefit of the sugAr bnrons and A»iatic coDimerce; and what w%uld be the result in Calift»rnin. ftawaHan rice, duty fret». now comes it»tnc!<>*e comuetitiott with American rice, the priee being reguUted in the KM rsther than in Califnfrnia. To have the bulk of tbe Hawaiian rice pjoduct «uddenly launched o* the Cal ; fornia market wt»uld break *he pricedowtt to freesing pofnt and put a *tOp to production. The Liberal Party pmpoeee lo protect th** rice indwstry against the rap:ici >v* br ; giti<lsge of the

• I sugar baroTH aiid tbereforf soliclts and eloim» the vol«* of all tho«e wbo hare laini ani capital veutured in rice int«re«ta. Mnj othf r f*Vcy wlll work wivi-k and ruin. FKIS* Lan« K. i * At* Ust the old i4 mif*Bion*rv reforiij |>arty M have venture<i out of cover and in Monday'B Adv*rti*er an11011141*0 a l4 iicket." It i» I>otched up from the nominations of the * 4 Kati%'e Wonp" tke u Mech«tuc? l'nion" and thi' ,4 Advrr«i»er"rroWii. It i« undoubtetil\ the ticket that will enlipi th«* chief o]>|K)«itioti >tn 1 the Liberal Pan/ and will Htrongly «npported by the " incurxble bigot*" of the old miBH:oimry reforin partv. Th** ticket ot thc I*Nativ»> concuct(d hy a liandful of native l«wyert» waa «euk frouj itb inve|» tion. The Advertieer knew Ihal it. ' purittitio und cH>*nmhn<l a vote. Th<£ :unaigamaU-d tickei pre«ent!? a fmrly kk! front <if eonm' th" Advērtipt*r nill iu vent |>landits f<>r its ca?uiitlat» 8 und will re{>resent then» a« tb" actne <f »lt j*oi»rieit) nnti «oeinl virtue. Th«»v will a!«o eonliniu* thrir inuiieioup lihel» aK;iftmt candidates and will try to r. j>rejsent them a.s "incurabiy had" :»*« "revnl4itioiiivU, v ' r Viii|>inciBl» v * But there i* an intc)ligent |>ui»lu* opiuion in Honolulu, whieh if n»t !ed hy Henry Caatie :tnd tl»e iitt.lecoterie ol l>ras*ed |«olitivianK tl:.»t rims tht* Advertjwr, nor uill it h«* led hy the th«* Bulletin. i!on«it moii will conv|inrH the two tieketH. »t w?H ol>«er< »- th«t the '•niisHi<.n,uy" ticket is for the HUg«r pla ittr und tnotiO{>ol!Ht that the Liberal tirket ir.fbr the people, ! and in the iiKgreffttte c;irries ahler : and .tnor<* inde|»endent n e»i. The • name-8 that Bta:vdK on the Liberal ticket ar«' far a!i<>ve r« pro:H lj and aK? lieyond the rench of he vrtu- ! }>eraiive faiaeho<MlK with tlup "AdvertiBer" and Bul!etin level at fheni. It is one of the Btrage ways of politicB to whien we pome how got aeeu?tonied to f)tid J. Kmtueluth runnniK tncoinpany with ipen Who nre | kuown to be of th« plutocratic elaw ; of sugar l>arons nnd mouopoltBtB i wlh>ae chief article of faith in Iheae 1 tiuies 18 the diabolical plot to aave the Biigar indu»try by flootiii!£ the < ix»untry wtth Knat Indian eooliea at 25 eenU a day. How- Emmeluih, i tbe anii-eoolie ehampion lias l>*en c»joled intostrikinjr hands witn his mutual ehemiea, is ' one of tboce tny»t«rie« that would on'v becxpiain<'d by l*ret Ha;Ud Citinaman. I ' f The Adverti«er party have no knowi) policy. but we have every reūBon to &ui«(>oi't theiu of i*ecr«tiy t ēntertaining.pianB lor \the. b#n«6tB of the augar lnrons and monopolitU only •nidiitim«cal to the bent ' interesu of tlie whule people and of the country. The Liberai p«rty ia before the country witb a platlbrm that hi«a hact dtBtttigutBh«d. approvd at houie and ahroad. The attitu«ieof th« party upon |be viUl Uipiea of the dav hae b*etr c!early throu(ch the journnl and , he iU orrttorn, and we are conceited enoaffh to l«elieve that the Liberal Party haa put &rth the be«t oolU . lieal drK tritie M»jil aUnda i:i the heit att'it*ule ! p oi U »

bave tbe irtrn ! hon«et and 04oke*» thi*j Ufs Lihml «ta»4i in hM |Ktsition befof« tb® pec|>4e to »«ril! th»ir votoa. ! * J