Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 376, 26 January 1892 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]


l'KlNeii'LE VIF («OVERNMfIKT ANI) CONHTITUTION, I. We that ull Oov#ritment ffhould be foundtNl on the prinriplfi« <tf L§bertv, E«|uality an<l FralfrnifY; we hold tfiataii men are i»orn fr«B an«ieqnal hefore the aw and are *nd wed with inalieuahle riicht« to lif«K to )iherty, to |irojiertp, -tw «»f ha|»i»inet** and to <*elf-|»fote« iion atfain*t arhitrary conoentration of |ower, irre*poni»hle weailh,£nd unfair eompeui'on. A\> b !ieve thai ju*t K^ v «*mn»ent cxi*t- onlv by t.he i'onaeni of the People. an«l t!iat. w!j»*n »t iweonae» ne«*ef»uary for the pul>» lir welfare, they may 4t>oiifb existink f >rmf and ief>tahli»h more advanta£eoUN «nd e«}uitHhl«* cvi«tem ; and, af the pre-»-vnt Con9titution ofthc Hawaiian Kint£dom hever hao had the approval M the hut wiv e«tahliHi«nl hv iuliiiiidation and fraud for the heneflt of a certain «lae#. theref«»re we favor the a«loption of t» oew and in<rre iilwral Con»>titution, to tnily wure a (iovernment o/ the People, /.»/ the l'eople an«l iv« the People fNDKPEXDENC*; OF TIIE COCNTRY %. Ont of iderat ion for tbe inherent rifchta an«i preeent opinion» of the im* tive pop«lation. we dersire to retain the ind«pei)dem» of the Country and defend its aaK»ioiny. un«ter a liberai and popu* lar fortn oi oim-Treatie* with For«ign l'owenf, an«l ye«peciali with th€ Knited Sutee of Ame.rlca t «honW he i*vl#e«T, eo a« to better rneet .protont D6cwytkw and to obtain more «qaitabl« advantajree in exrhange of t iioee granted by na.

li:WCIARV REFORI^ Onr Ju«fi« iary ?yst*is and Code of mu»t be rubmitted to a thorotifh reviHon. w a» to secure a uheap and prompt a«lniiniftration of juBtiee,free <>f all i«et'tanan or pa r i«in spirit, and to Jender the iudgee more directly rea- - pr»n>i.-hle to the People ; and we are in favor of a rpnre liberal interpret*tion of Conftitutionai g iarantee« of the freedom of--«|'»eeeh and the pre#s. TA\ATION 4.A niore juft un«i perfe« t f<yt»tem of Taxation nm*t i»e ina*i)nirated, to abo, lifli the j»reH*nt iiie«jiialitie#», by whieh the property of the )H>or in ex«*eM#ive}y taxed., white niueh of tl»e rith manV #o<k\* are .mder i value<! for ae(N«9tnent «>r entirelv ewape taxation; we ahall therefore «iemand the pas*atfe of lawe that wiU m«ire ene«*ttially «übject the pro|>eity »,f rorporati ns an«l rivh «*3tiwn»«to their ju»>t proj»ortion of puhlie hur«lens. - wliile (franting in«»re iiberai exetiipti«)ii« t<» the |w»or; an«l as a fneam» of the l«»cking upoflarge tra<-t|i»ji«n« LiJtivM>ed Un«i«, tial tax »>iioul«l l»e leNunl iu additk»n to ■the u»«nal aH«em»tnenf en v«luation whieh t*hould be in propoHion to the fertility of the «oil. We ehail alao favor U<«* eatabliffhment of a trra«luated ineome tax, and thuft expect to <>i»tain ample *fnnds for « ondmlin(f the )zr>vernment and attemling ta all iie<-e#furv puhlie improv«inenu» without any further <mll« on tiie mafKf»'. . ■ MONOPOLIES 5. We ahall u«* our eflbrts to obtain law»« bv whieh all favoritism in the |to erutflent an«l all monopoiies, trustH artd privileffes to «pei'ial ciasses shali bp ren«lere«i impo«sib)e, by full, definite and mandatorv «tatutes. I»UBUC KERVA«TB. . Ketter law* 9bouid refnlafe the Civil Service. The principle of the eiee-

tion of oftU*ers of llie govemment by * tlie people ehotild be •staUighed. aod bo mnn ahouM be <allowed to hohl more than one offW of profit, whilul «*lariea ; §houl<l be a<Uqaate Gompen«atioti for r th« «arvice«* ren<lere<l. Alt excemive »• lariet «hooM b® raluced and all «ine cn«« or Pni>erflnoue offi<-e8 afeoli»hed. PK«TKCTIUN T<> HOM£ INliUHTRmB 7. We are in favor of encouraging ali liome agncuiture and induatrien, andali ] our nativo pro<lucti«, like rk* t ooffee, toIMU-<-o, e*c. »>hould be protecrted and Jo»tered by proper tarifT regnlatkm; and ali<o it nuiPt be the duty of the tiovment. in ita i»ntraeUs and otk>er tion«, to give prefereaco to nationai prod«cte over in»uorted onea. "tOCAL SELF- G< )VERNMK>T 8. We d«fl;re a moie Hbend poiicy U>* | wards the difTerēnt lttla*Hls of the Kinie- ' dom. outaide of Oaliu; thev ehoiild recwive a fairer proportiOn of the puhlie naoney»« for tlie «lev«;lopiw»ntof their reaonim and the aatlf>(Ktirn of their In tbe piioHple of loeaī, j Se|f«government «honfd be >extended, • wherebv ghing loealiUea may ekoM t)ie , mo«t imporUi)t of the»r loeal executive ofhcerfl, ahd levy taxea for th» pnrpoae I «*1 iamfovemente of a pub|fe n&ture. PROTECTiON TOTHE LAROI!RINii ! CLABHKB ' We Ahal! endoroe ail meaaure tending to impreve the eoadillon of the | vorking elaaeea, mm! eonseqtt*atly ( vith-1 oat injuriflg any \*ected rtghta, we* wftl ndvocate law» to prevent ail farther im- ; ! pnrtation or empioyaent ol eontract» [ labor of any kind f iipoo comiitione i whieh wiii-briag it inlp a ruimma and j degradlng competitkm' with free Hawai j ian or white Übor. W« phall alao. m i the Intereet of t|>e bettor .noUeimn of liie poor, aak noM Überai «X9mpiipn of their property from foraBd aaie on ex ecntkm. and frotn mm|wc in bankroptcy prpcwdiog. I?

HMALL FARMĪNU ANU HOMS STEADH. 10. Tbewealthy fractiosi oiourpopuU4on itave hi|lierto pf»?ented thedevelopmeni ofan independentelaw ōf citi«ent; the pub4ic l&mie have been acquired and , liave been tied up in a few handa or parcetled to «nit favorttee, ami »qmll farmefs and nl*nters ii«ve be»n diiven »nt br eorpovationa or combinatione ol capitalist«; but aa emall farming ia eoo- , iucive to#»e etabilitv of the Btate. it siMmld pe eucouraged hv a new p*id ; moreiibeml ifomeatead act, hv wheh , the ownerehip ot amail treete of land and the se|tiement thereon ot familie« . f otnrpreaent populat'oo,—aadeepecUMi [y of the native Hawaiiane who have been left alwe*t homekwe in U»ereconn-try-shouid be remlered posB.ble. T« that end ( the Oovernment an«l and§. ( in m> far as ean be done wiihont invadtng ve»ted right« ) nhould be devote.l M mon *us i»omibie to liome»teadfi. and conferred npon bona-fids setOers free *»f Uxee for a limiWt period. It should be the further aim ol govertiment to f at onee, so far improvir Hie meana of t«*n*port ; tk>n f ~local, natk». .®«!L d to i>rovide, in all the distHcts ( eheap means of conveying the i»rod.ict of the soil to markH. " KLECTORAL RH!(iT H. We hokl that aprfeht and oone«t manliooU. «nd not the poeeeeeion of *realth,artytrarily fhied. thonMron«ti«e nght to: vote for nohlea as well a* representatives v and no more po*rer 1» accorded to the ba!lot of thv rich m*n Uian to the halkH «f tlie Mornian. The disCTimin«tk» in favor of wealUuM made in onr Constitatlon m>contrary to ali the etem«l prineieifer » m Jlft ,ust sr ,r andmttstbeabo£bing of the present di«tinctkm of wea)tb elapane whieh blemish onr laws ™P**ofth« rMit to vote ior nobtea. thertby reetoyfiig to the native Hanaiian* nnvik«ss whieh nwrtain to tbem in their own conntry, andof whieh nninetiv <imived. , *>JS»NAL IMPROVRMBNTB 15 We favor the expenditure of snfA. ci«jt eum» to wcnre a nnmber of needed pnnlie impr|uvements onOahn and other « I«fawd«;iKhoo!, rajtrnftds and harbort ān<\ wfear\ise ( publlc light.and alsoa tnor«Mpn . mtn» of resenroirs tnd «or Honoluln, but Uirotteh-out the other lalamUi.