Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 379, 29 January 1892 — THE FRANCHISE. [ARTICLE]


■■- : * It is the impermiiT« duty of eveiy voter to constd«r tbe effect of the ! conbtitutiofial aiLef)dnientB fsgard« ing th« rights of f<ireigtim t» vote. liet u« ren>ember that tb« mi«rionariee *ided and abetted by treacherous deserters from tbe National Reform Party. fwewd soum> ameitdmenlB throegfc Uie la«t ees»H>n of th* LegialatfiTO. tbe effect of whieh ie to deprive all pmone ezcept Bubjecta of thfr kindom of tbe right to vote, The eame ele menta arenow combining to give finai effect to tboae |»rovieion», by *gain p»e*ihg'tlu'iii at the Bextioh V 1*92

Dt not forget that the Meoluiiilo» Uuion. in article 4 of ihdtplalform. pledg» their oandkUtos to the finai paasage o# thoeu ftmettd- * rnents. I>o n«»t f«»rget that artiel« 6 of the aame piatibrtii pM9M tho#A candidatee to obtain "furthor amendmenU upon the same g?n* eral line»," —as thuee by whbh iH»riv all lbfeigiiers are to he disfranchiaed. TJju» do the nieohanie», and others formitig that politioal aquad propoee a line of action that wiU , rob them, atid practidilly all other i 1 foreigners af the politic«\i now enjoyed by Ihem, and in the face of that daring attempt at roh* i bery, they and their candidaUe ] have the subline assurance to a»k ! 1 their propoeed victims fer their! ; Totee Remember, 'forrign votars, that'every bali«it caat against a ! Liberal candidaU is a ballot to rob i you of the right of suffrage. ' Ify«»u are w**ry of w<«ilding polkioal power in the home of yonr adoption, here i» a ehanoe to resign that pow«*r for ail eime to oome by votitig again»t the Liberals. But the questioQ arises: - Why do the opponeuu of the Liberaia »3ek to deprivir foreignerar of the voting priviiege? Tbe answer U piuin. The missionariee rooognise iu the indepandent and liberal foreign «leiiietit the greatest danger to their eoveted reeovery of poltti* ( eal Bupreuiscy in Hawaii, witu this Liberal foreign elemeni elimi* nated from the fieid, they think h return to tactics. by whieh. in the pa»t, they coerced and controlled the native vote, wouid be easy for them, henee the composit!on of the socalled "M<*cbanio»" platform. whieh is the direct inspiration ofthe miB- - Barons ciique.