Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 380, 1 February 1892 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]


OFHOVBRNMK\T AM> '>N KTITI'TION. 1. We \deern ttiat ail <ioverinnent ehould be fonnded on the pnneipie# of Ltl>erty, K«fuality and Frateriutv; we hold tnai all men are horn fre« an«(eqttal befoi* the law and are **nd wed witl» inalienable righta to lif«-, U» liberty, to properti>. to the >ursuit of happin«*ga arml to w*lf*proteftioij agi»inM arfcitrarv c<»nopntration of |.ower, irre*s*»n«ible weahh, and unf»iir competition. We be 'ieve that jn?t frnvernment exi*t> onlv bv the conaent,of the i'eople. and tbat. when it hewmeP ne«'enHafV fcr the i«ui»lio welf*t>v they may aholmh exiKtinn f ifm* and < Ptablixh more and eq«'itaWe pyt«tem ; and, aK the prewnt Cc ni*titutioii ; ■ ol'thk» liawaiian King«i<rni never haa hati the approval of the People, but:wa» et»tabliwie<i by intimi«lalion and fratid for the benefit of a <-ertain « lai«n therefore we favor tbe a«loj»t ion of * new an«i inore libaral ConHtitution, t«» truly wure a (>overnment «#/ the l*e«»plē, hff the f*teople and tor the reoi»le INi>KI'KM>KNCIv (»F Tlf KC«>tJSTRY 2. Ot»t of <*on»'i«leration for the inherent and preftetit «>pinioni< of the native pop»lati«»n we derp'ire U> retain tlie indepMidenfe of the Country and «lefend it* autonoiny, titider h lth<>ral an«t j»opttl.tr forin «»f |{overnment. biitt»nrTreatiei' with Foreijfn IV»werr, aini yeapeeial! with tlie Cnite«l State>« «»f Amerk-a, nhould be reviw«l... «o at> t«» la»tt»»r iyeet pr«tent ne«-ew«itiei« and to obtain more «w)uitabieadvauta|rH» in ex<'hanireof thoi>e jjrante«l by n».

I JIJDICIARY RKFORMM (hir Ju<liriary B>'Bipai and Ckide of ! V*rocfNlure niu(*t be nnbt)iitu*l to a thor ougi» reviHĪon« m a» to tevnrm a trhe«p an«l |»roinpt ftdminißtration ol jnsttce fiv« •>f ali pect*rian or p«tiran spirit nd to Jender the J udge« m«re dim*tly rt»f»ponnihle t«» the l'eople; »nd we ur« in f»vor of a more liberal iiitt>rpr**ution of ('onMtitutioiuil gtisr»nlee» of the fre«dom of H|iee4'h and the prei*B TAXATION 4.A m<«re jiiHt and f»err«H't «ypteoi of. Taxatiou muBt he ii)au){ur«iU9d, U» al»o. li#h the premit ine*)ualiti«*p. hy whieh 'th« pr«>pertv tti Um» poor ip ex«vi»ively taxtNl. *h£ mueh of the ru-h man'K jKK»d«» are undervalued for amMwinent or entlrely ea»raj^ath>n; ther*»fo»v (iewtand f th« of lawa tlu»t mll mon- < k tfei-tnaily «Mibjei*.t ilie «>f c«rjionti hi and - ric*li citi- ' aeiw to Uw!r j»iKt proportioii of pnhlie burdenif. while irnrt)tittff inore liber:tl excinpt.otiM to the |mor; and aM ineani. of diwottragrttiK the locking up of larpe ; tra« tf of un« uUivated land». a d»flmntia' tax tt|ioiild be levi«Nl in additioU to tht» u»«ual on valtuttion whii h fl)otild l*e in pno|»ortion to th«« fertility • »f the *oil. \Ve phall alno favor tl»«* tabli«huietit of a »rraduHte<l ineoine tax, *nd tltu* ex|»e<-t to obtain amp|e fitnda f«»r (-ondtii-titi|f the {pMeminem and atteu<linjr t« all imkw n puhlie impMV« inenU without iiny further ealla <»n the ina»«i*eh. MOM)K>LIKs • r ». We ahail ui*e our e<Tort* to ol»tain law» by whieh all fayoritii>ni in the #«.- emment an«l all nK>no|M»lt<*f(, tru*ti* and ' priv;letr»< to ppeeial rl»Hi«e»< >-f»all be rendere«l ini|MMit>itle. bv full, deflnite and man«latorv- ntatute». A*ritlJC SKR V \NTS. <». l'»etter lawp:>*i«»uld retru!ate the Civil Serv «•«. The |>r'ii)i*iple of the e»w-

j tioō of ortii*rf of the government bj' | tb« people ahouM l* evtablished, aud oo m«',i ehoukl be allo***) to hold mow than one off»c© of pr<ifit, whilei shc>'ihl be Aila<|uate <-oiii}H*nKation for th#«arvices retul«ml. Ali ex<vpfive aalaHep »hould be mliu-wi an<l hH «in« ruiva or «np<»rfluou!-ofl« **# aW'liphwi. t*HUTKCTION Tt» UoMK INIM*HTH!K.S 7. We ar«? in f»;vor of enco'.iraginK all home agnoulture >ni<l in«lu»>trie«, aiuhkli onr native pro<lurti<. like ri<-e, eoflfe«*, wool. tohmtu. ek\ ehouhl he i»rot«H*ted an<l hy |Totier tariflf refrulation , aq<l alk) it iiiiu* be the <iutjr <if the ik»vn>ent. in ite f<>ntra<-t> aiwl otlw»r oyw*r»t« tionfc, to jrive prpferen<v to nati<inal pro«liHtii ov»*r imnorte<l one#. UK'ALSKJ.F GoVKHXMKXT B. \Ve dt*lre a more liberal-j»ol)ey t«» L- wanl'i' the «lifferent.Ul» , «<lp «<f the KiniE* <lom. out«i<le of i>ahu ; thev *hoTif I rerelve a fairer pr*j>ortii>n ot the puh'.h for the »le\« l<īpnient of t h*ir re--outtrce*) arnl t..e aatl#fa<tirii uf tlw»ir V»ntt!. In f«»* t , t ! e principle <>f lo<tti, ; Mf-governiiietit «houhl be exten<le<l, «hereby giying lo<*aliti«>t. m,iv < Ikmh« tlie m«n«t im|H>rtant of their hn-al e.\e«>utive ofli<*erf, hikl levy taxen for Uie]Hirpo»ie 1 <nl iui:«rovenientf *>f a puhjtr iuitnre. rH(»TK(TION TOTHR LAHŌI HINU <XASHKS ,1». We «hall eo«lorae all nie:ici;re temlii|{ to impewe the o>u<litioi» <»f tlie workinirHamea, an<l <Me*ie<|UHiitly, w»thout injiirlt»f|aiiy vefto«l Hhliik. we wfll Mlvumte law» to pn»\-ent a)l furtber »m* jH.rti%t»on or «>mpU)yment <>f <i>iitra<-t* lahiM of any klml, tijK>n <*oiulit«<Hit> «liH'h will l>riß| il into a nniieni* aml «legra<llii|f « < omp<'tit : oti uith fm« llawai lān or white labor. We >lui!! aln». m the iivtere*t of tl»e l»etter •;ote<'*ion of tlie poor. ank for iuor<* liheial exeuiption f 01 their pmoerty fro«> foree.l nale on ex eeQtkm an<( from w*i*ur< \a h«nkrupt< y proeeedinn. r

HMALL KARMVNG AM) IiOMK ! *TKalW* 10. The wealthy rraction oi our i*opula--i<m have hitherto prevented the <levelopment of an iiid<*pen<lentclaeti of eiUaeoē; the public landa have beeu acquired ami have heen tied up in a fcw hanle or partelled to suit favor>teB, and «maU farcc«rß aud olanterfl h«ve l»een dhven »at hf eorporatione or t-oMbtnatloa« ol <«pitaliBta; but aa «mail farminK ie eoolucive tothe «rtabilitv «>f the e*tate, it »hou!d i>e encoura4ee<l hv a new ?•*<] more liberal | Hoa>eetead act, bv wlum the ownerahip <«f t>ntali tr»ct* oMaml and tt»e atiletnei)t tltereon of lainiiieii • f our pre»«ent pop„latao<lec|i«H iali >• <»f f the tiawaiiant> wh<» have lieen teft i«t homeleaa in there<vunt nr-ehould be rendere<l pom.hle. To gn «« tbe \ «overnment and 4'«owp lamla, ( in m f.*.r a>» ean be ilone without )nvad!nK veste«i right« ) Khouhl be<ievote<l au kooii »p iN«(>ible to h<»meiit«adi». aimi <Mtnferre<l upon bona-fide eettk»M free of taxej« for a limite<l period It Kbould be tl»e lurther aim <«t gwernmeut to. «t on<T, far iittprove the mean» of tran?port lion.—l.khli natiorfa:,a"" internatn>tial, —ti»> to i»n>vi<le, in all the <lif»tnct«, eheap mean» of c«»nvev* mg tlie i>rml|ict of t l*e aoil to market. ' M Hlil<«T 11 We hohl that apright *nri no»M»t manhond. i.t><| uot ttie p.«eeeaion <;i wealth, arbitrerilv flsad. ilionM cof»iti* > U»e nght to yote f<.r n<»blea aa well a> repreaeptative«. «nd m> toore power nh<»ul<l be a<vord«l to the ba!lot «»f tfce. rich min Ihan to the balht of tt»e |toi»i maii. H»e <liiH'rimiiuition in favoi of we»lth now made in <»ur ('onptitutiou !• <-<Hil«iry t4» all the et»rm.l primip*ee aml |uftice and miu>t he ahol'nhwl. To thi« eml. we w»ll a levelinr <»f the s>reeent of we«lth' a*Ht elaaee*| whieh hlemieh our law» with reapert |»»f the r»*ht to vouTfbr nohlea, tl»ert.-hy reat<»nng to the iuitive flawaiiana r»rivilege»s whieh pertain to them in their own co«ntry, au<{ of whieh they h«ve heen uiii»Hitlv <te|>rive<! INTKH N Al. IM !*K<»V KM KV 11? We fayor the expemlittire v ufHcient auma t<|» »*< ure a niia»ber ol' mvited r»uWic »mproveineiitK < n<H»i<u and other i>ian<la; «lionl. raiin*d* and harborv f aii<t wharvei», puhlie light. aml ala»> a t)iornugh *yaUm of resenoin« and water-work*i not ouly for Honolulīi, bat throutfh-out the oth* r lflaii<ix.

NOT!CK. J.AI>IKS wishing their ieath«fB dml or t j«an-d and ct>rkHl t«a i»ave }l <&&• bjr_MRH. tV'EKTHKKN. 103 l*rf*ama MPWt. . LAIHKB vithiiig to purify their rom» aiītl cra4bto U& «nd frwktc« will lie inst»u-t«ibyMHS. WE*THKRN fr«j uf i h»nw. .10» ikr*tania Htr««t the .* rmory . 317—«iaan* Pablic Noiie^. Know all m«n hy tliin n«k« Uui! from and āiter thit» <Utc, I l>ave thb Uay di». <harg««l Mr. H. C. Hukou, irom a< ti»g w »»• for m<* in «ny i+nm 4» tWrh»ty» aw» adratntiErallon »f all my propertv, »m! ia tn« coikctkm of ail <luv« ami rMta npon any a»l all my Mtatn in thi« kinndnw. _ Any one who hot<fe or ki in p"nnnī<iiiuß <»( any prom»rty or wi»o iiaa atey hiiwlnnm or paymenus U* m»kf. will traaMrt tbt j*»me witb m« |M»r*rmally. at mv oiw* at HoniiaamlU. at HoaoW KAPIOLAM. P«r Joa 3U*aai. Houolnlu Xov 8. !A»t.