Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 383, 5 February 1892 — Aloha Lahui Hawaii. [ARTICLE]

Aloha Lahui Hawaii.

. iir i*ra< tir.jj «I 'f» at «.•! Lili- <■ r-i\ l*qrty is the unitv <•{ liawuinii» tw regain a p«»li-ii.-nl footing in thoir own «viuutrv. a:i i they will non < i untinuc to 6c trdiup)G<l upon ū4 th<y have been ISB7. The «'leelion of 1802 :aarka another period in the extio«'ti'>n of the Hawaiian raco and thr utter hapel««s«ne«R ofyonifl£Ha waiianH to elevate theoiBelves in the lattd ot tlK»ir birth. Tho leaeon the e)ectioti iu Honolulu i« that U»e prir»oi|iH] white re«id*»nt« ig»orn)l Tionor and prinriple and united in a voteaffain#t ?h#> Hawaiian. \ raalignunt rac«.* r>rejadic<' has been «hown by the foragainst the native. The blow has heen struck b) ungeneroua p!uiorrats and monopoliaU who have (attencd on tho soil of Hawaii. Tt looks »ow a» though tbe <»h!y hope for et)aal in thi# «**>untry liea in,—we sav H—annexatio«