Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 383, 5 February 1892 — A Striking Analogy. [ARTICLE]

A Striking Analogy.

The Britiab o>k>ny of Barbad«B ar« iufiicted with a cl\BB of l * ab«enlee proprietoTs" wbose reiations *4> tbe cdooy are siailar to t hat of our "sogar harons M here. They have a India Committee" whose cbarscter and operation corre«ponds somewhat to ot>r "piantera labor and Supply Co/' The followiiig refwenre to Ihei/. by a Barbados paper «uggei*tfi aome «*• noua tbougbtf» as to tbe attitude of ofir t4 sugar barops" to this oouatry.—•,The We«t India Committee f is a sotnewhat anamolous body, self constituted, unoliieial. but po§MBsed of noi a liltle iuHuēnee |ti f)oWiiing Btreet. It i« compused of persons who are kn >wn here, generaliy witb disre«pe< k t t as tbe aab--Be#tee proprietors," that is, sugar e«teUowi>ors rtiridvrtt iti EnplamL Tbeie g«ntleui«*it nre not iiked by tbe oolonists. n<:iieraliy t indeed. th«? are oordiafy disiikH. &*i tbeir inflluenrt- w:th the i>ritish OowmokMii. fr«H|uctitiy «Mmieil the pngt ct* <»f tbo ooloiii«tft.

-i> \u Iy r ». I ii 1 * coi|>«;iy, :n tiie »*īa«? th^ii • .< i jt r i*»(>rit t.»r?s ur-* a d)e- -■ ■ !i: .i'i'l a «l' ;nl- .*■* i*ht nj*in '!.•• ' i«»-U ri!▼. :in:l as t|n* • »v r--u/ «>' th< ;r .lin-ul'i'iwm ■■' 't< vtik * :t • iii • j«*li um«l jri Vc* • • . 11:• y ■»»;: tlutir i■■ ;:.* ■•:: ari* mwiluliiy run <j»n ■ /. tf■ iīp'.i ?i <-v. ry »•!]'«.rl • «;\i < < • •'ii oi" th«* laiiui . . n. iu i.i<- to js"vt' u ith«»Ml v .* TVs|vr.r M <ii;ir ofT.»rt i-+improvr V;.*' y. li:in. 1 l'>pctlif'r to «»J>- •. ry u»*' «*o!oni&l j»ro- . * * ; 11 ■ m |)ov>iiMy **%• ■:'»•• -! |j:.u i:i an<l ft«> • • i.;r -»!r.?-•!« a!l kiiuln *t( •v. •> . \ !i»ai int «f t)i«-