Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 383, 5 February 1892 — BOSS BOWLER. [ARTICLE]


Bank<>r«4 and U«ryetn. m«TrhaaU anJ tht ir rlfrks psr*ons unrl tbeir dea«ons, hsv® bont the knee to thee B*h*h Boirier aml voti *re now our pcJitic.a! <Ji«*tator. Ka Lkm 1 congratulatos you upun your <MMiy eueee**. With eueh a guliible ooan«tituency aa the intelligent (?) citizenn of Honoluia have i>roved theuißelveB to lie. you have tßāg-mfk-ent vißtas < f boodle anel power before you. You are tammany an«) iammany is yoarn; Tweedy an<i Hu< kley are your prototypeB and we f9iocerely hope that jrou will tak<> fuH advantatse of tbe homag*-4hfi* the fori»ignerf ot Honolulu bave paid to you. Let not your amliition remain in the tone of thoueaa<is, bat §oar up inio ths hundred« of thousandn. Ka Lko Btrik«s yuu in advanoe for tbe job of cartnge of hoenlle.