Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 384, 8 February 1892 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]


ThAt Cecil Brown domn*t |i)ace •o nooh oof)fidenee in Uie natm paople ac he form*r\y did. Tbal tke native H«waiiiin« ratura Mr. Hiewn'» laaUng with interaef at 12 eompomiM monthly. That tba jimtekBh* will be the j Mtora ooßwymce for paaaang»ra J on Hawaii nei. That all tbe Waimanalo votara were drnnk aud voting on John'a Refbnn gin. Thatbeefwae given away by a metnber of tbeHE>eef truat at Kooian on Electioo Pay.' That John L. Kaulnkon had aightr one Lnnaa and honaa ind] gin from Waimanalo i > help him. i That Btiah rode from Honolola to Kaneohe a diataeoe of aeTenty milea, in tan honia, Uirongh mod #nd rain, on Toeaday t and aorpriaad tha Spaniard by deftaftii»g him tha nazt day, withoat a single L» *. to w«rk ler him, That the fotara Cab Drif«va oT the ōoontrr wil! ba Eaat indiana, Chinaaa and Japa. *eoordlng t4fee oolor of tbe Boodler Soeie*af» , e KobhTM. Tbat the Meohamea MMiMap lar Nohhah in ftiw of tha mm&m I of Punloa gybor aq*th| ert-*»HCir o( AaiaUe lahōma. HMhah ftorekeepera and haek <litaaii> That Mr. Thureton (l«Mr.Wkbmann'a paper)nigaaohaa: dead past bnry ita daad M -*bnt 10» moat poiiUeal AilAAiii— he preacbe». he utterlf lalla to praotioe it. While he bega all partiea to forgive and forgH hia own poli* tichl eccentricit!f« he faMT and abuiimy aoeuwa hU [K>Utical oppoiienla of doins what he ha? al* wavs practis« d hinwielf and practiM to day—t<)Wit, atirring ap raee pr<»judice t

Ti»at Ilarry vu» Holt fc »#ya 800 n:vt iv*>s to v«»te fur him. 1 Harry <rot as he boaked • l»v t)ie BulietSn. *, - , That I>illinghftm think» a full K«Hv i« pariAmount to fre»»dom. >nnnhood anel i«qu»!ity and a?l that. u*rta»n* to equal rightp. ' |; ' - ; : I- : : .-.V" That the wave that caat up poor i Ben on Hawliia ahore, muat haVe | been the NBi« wave th*t buried I poor Ben .laat! Wednead ay. ' :" ; j .. ...;..■' 1 . • -■■'' That whaUver goe« to buUd j»p the' Muahrooi|Ei Village of Peāil(M#y eoea to depreeiat* the valtie of oro» perty in HonMulu. lhe Honoln lti ] property owners are beii»g gulled | to deatroy th|eir own iaterenta by. the poor aailor boy—Ben. j. That John L. Kaulukou eonaolea bimaelf for his defeat by saying tbat if hia friend Jobn bad been āt Kaneohe on Election day, to per* sonally attend to tbe diapeiioing of Demijona, he would be aure of l\|a eleetion. He waa quite sure of victory before tbe eooilt t bot bia k>wer ]«w« £bU when tbe reanlt waa made kmmm* j