Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 386, 10 February 1892 — Peace and Harmony. [ARTICLE]

Peace and Harmony.

A.«fvorii"*rr <iv». . th:it th«'•i':..n uf <W'. Ashf<»Tvl. ; iy ,!h«II w. :*ii:vu. is ;in * -nt hy tl»* .11-of thc rovtuut:on '»t* V>*7._ V»v >\!.i''h j»r»»jM»rtv all-i wa>!'S. an«l not īi, ii.h'H>di ruW tl.« i h:illot-hov. The o.' : .tor nf th»* A' I .* ■■:-ii«»r ii, n* we :.r, know. a l>orn r«miedi:in. Ho ( shrti at a wedJ)ng. or a brcak down on a isra-v<*. < v f»jkmif il hapj>enB to be Ihe v< of an cnemv. Waee aml b r ;uouy uni!er a rule of inju tii-e ;u*«l oj»j*reBion may.' he lookeil a naiion ■slav.es, n<»t to ( fr«finef». ! 'l he vietory of the sugar barons ! >nav hring j. y lo their heartB, hut j they tan re*t a*sured that ft eauae whii-h rannot be <iefended on any hone«t«e of reaBoning, will be prodiiotiv* of pōor re«ultfl to vfc- j tofe. lu uny tr€laty propo*ed with a foreign nation tbe people and not m le# p!anteri and their direlinge wiU he heard. The daye of legerde •oain iu treaty making are pasaed. lf tbe peopie are by an unjusi law Bhut out from legi&iaiive representatīoo, tbay ean »till be beard from mtteide. Tb» tricton will find a «keleioo irtbeir cloflet when the tu lift tbe curtain.