Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 388, 12 February 1892 — The Patriarehal System. [ARTICLE]

The Patriarehal System.

Tbe P. C. Advertiper in itf» late issuee aDd roo;e pattic«larly *»o tbat morning's. is endeavoring to ūiake tbe pUblic be|if>ve that the election in favor of W. 0 ?mith ie due to a patriarchf.l feeling i -r ihat young genileman. r '&oein] quality whieh is fast vanishing el§ewbere.'* The apologv of W. 0. Bmitb, as stated by the P C. Advertis€r, to&® ' 4i»akuas,' who were oppose to bim at tbe pollf r and the further 6tateiuent that "iheae in tbeir tUrn franklv advised the eleetors to vote for W 0. Smith. ,, and eacb party pereiBting to run againsteach other witb a view to gain tbe eleetioo. show« tbe deep rooted byfK>- < rif»y fet:ll existiug between tbe ia maknas'' and tbe keikie on tbe »Blands cf Kauai. Thjs bypocrisy, or ag our cotemporary putgit, "gimplicity," is one of tbe snheritanceg tbat early mission.iry teachmgs bave inculcated in the isinds of tbose, whō are now called umakuae,and whieh still existsamocg tbe people on the patriarcbal ifVand of Kauai.

Ko gucb sentiipent exists to-day betwter» the *-makuaa" and "keikis' Tne competitiop on Kauai proves it. Tbe idea of a 4v makua" preteT:ding to love the ~k eikiv aud eiill persist to run a tilt againsi him for the people'e francbisei? abgurd. rnd is wortby ocly of men of W. O, £mHh staiEp. It i* ;sinQp]y" lalpe. The fact« .ire, that in Koioa ainKLinue. the 4, siii3plicity" taugh: ibe Hawaiian on tbe garden lslac(l, has transierred all his worldIy )K)KSessions to bis teacber and hii *uceetsor, th? -keiki." and he is now an unwilling slave of tbe ricb n3isiionary "ke;ki, ,? " in almost all thinirs except true religion, whieh was what hetbe uQissionary and keiki weresent here to leaeh.

Ab ihe P. C. Advertiser b&tCv! there is icdeed & wide contrast be- j Iween the coontry and city n&tite. | But not in the eenee that it€ editor cJaiujß, nor to e&ueea whleh be Bt&tes. The d)ffcrGnce eomee from otbec eaueee Tbe knowledge tbnt tbe Kanai ' patri«rcb" receives i§ liooited to a few misinterpreted Bible phraees, as taugbt him bv tbe iniwionary 4, k«iki.'' The Ha* w&ii&n i, patritrch n wbo cou'd geti away from thii Jimited spbero, bas flODght tfce city of Honolulu, where tbe educaticn of the peopie is not bo I)mited, &nd wbere living i« not ieferident upon th# mispion&rv •'keiki 7 'charitv; wbere the "paln&rcb' js a free man, and not & sl;ive to perverted in?truction &nd a peon fcr jife. Aa in otber countrif«, tne §ame thingexig!« in the eapkal cf Haw&ii. KriOwledg?d in great«?r men !bink and act for them«v!Tt«. The practioal know]edgt *vh?fh tbey obtaiii froiij their i?:!«'»rci>n witb aU cj&fgeflof n eii. and fr&ru aM n&UonāKim*. cive *fctm

ty ovr \tv j >oor unK>rtutnt«» »'ntry ' whue** muin «> >.\* of inlellifeDce eomH Uqw F'āriUr

'9ourcw.'tdr ir.G«t..-bigotcd tbat eter man reoeived. Aiien agitator» have nothing to dn «rith !he īn the rcinde o: tbe Hawaiian. Tbe change i» ooly tbe natural rraction aftrr yēars of 6erTillity to Boston bigotry.