Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 388, 12 February 1892 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]


PUBUC BERYA!T£B. 6. £ett€r Uwe «houkl n«ti)clolh« O ▼il Serrke. The priaci|>le of th« e*ee» tioi) of officers of the goveniMeut hjf the peopk should be «tteb)lfih«d t ftadM mao should be aUotred to heM a»f» than oae office of proflt, whttit»sjfcri«f Bbould be adUu|iiAte comp«a*atioa for themrvkee rendered> All «seeee*vei»< lftri«B Ehonld be reduoed aud fil «ilMl eure« or Biu»erfiuonB.offiee* sboli£hed, PRUTECTION T0 TH£ LABOUEIH6 CUSS£B 9. AVe ehall eadoree all »eteure tending to improve the eonditkm of the worki&g eUeeee, and coaee%a»atiy, without iojariag any ve?t«d rights. we edvocete Irwb to all funber iai* portatioa or ei»ploymefit of coatraet» " labor ol aay kicd, npon ctmAte<mm whieh wiil briag it iato a niiaouA aad degradlng $pmpetition with free H&wai iaa or white labor. We thal\ aleo. ia the iateiest of the better DrotectJoa of the poor, aek for more liberal exesipti6fe of their proaerty from forced nle oa es ecution f a»d froza eeinue ia bankruptcy proceediag. SMALL FARMING ANP HOME sTEADH. 10. wealthy fractioa oi onr populavioß havehitherto preveated the dc vel*p» ment ofaa iadepeadeat elaee of citixeae; Ū\e pahae laads ha\*e beea acquired aad have beea tied up ia a few hamie or >parcelled to suit lavoritee, aml eaial far(aers aad pl«aters have Mra dhve« ' »Bt bv carporatKMis or oomteatloße ef ca|4tali>te; but a» «aall farmiaB ie coe« iacive jtothe itahi!itv oi tbe State, it ēhoāld pe earouraged bv a aew aad iaore liberal Howvwtead act. bv vkk the owaerehip oi aiaall tr»cte ol laiad aad the Bettleiaeat thereoo of kmiHee !of our preeeat popalatioa.—aad eapeeiall ! *y of the aative Hawailaae who havf , heeo left almost hoeaeieee ia ther%coaa- ! try-ehould be readwed poce*ble. To i that end, the Goverameat aad Crowa laadt» (ia eo far ae eaa be done withoat : iavadtaft veeted r%hte ) ehonld bedev«t» edaeeooß ae poeeihle to heaeeeteada, aad oealerred upoa aettlem fr*e of Uiea for a ltoifed period. It ehould hethe further aiaot|em> mat to, at onee, ee far iaopme the meane of tMutepertf tk»,-*loeal t aatic®al %nd iatera*tfogia],—ae to provide, im all the dletrkte v eheap neaae of oeniw* iar the prodwt ol the «oil te mai*et.

KLECTO»AL RIHGT 11. Wt bcid tbii nuMit būOift »aabgod. iad Bet tM poawwloa ol ftMd, ihauUleanu* thtrigii*fc>*ott for wtok* wwpwwi, bo bon pmr «bo«UIU ic«or*tdtoth* b«Motik«r r*eli mva thaa to tht b«Uot of tkt mot m., Hio diterimte«tloß ia toov olw«*lthtM>w»«atiß oar Con«tittttta { .tcpetitry to all tbt elonuU r»rM|dtt ©f right aod j»stice aadmunbt abolieir td. To tbis tad, wt %rīll fcror t leve]« iae «f tbo fvtttiit <U«tißftioß of wtt!tb aad ektttt wbkb bltni)Bb oor witb t9Bpet% ol tfet r»ht to TOt« for nobltt t thtrtby rtt«ovnf totb« attirt Havailttt| nrivik«tt' whkh wrtti« t« tb«a ia tMrova toaatrv, «bkb tbty havt btta aaiv«UY dtprivc<d, INTER>*Ai LMPROVK3ffeNTS 12 Wtl*Tortht tspeadHare ol s«ft> €im\ *mm» to ateart a aaaiber ol attd«d aaWieiteprov«Miii oa^ahaa»dotlwr !tlaadt; tcbon), raitroadß aad harbtia Md wharvtt, lifht, aad a)ta a thogoagh fyatm of rtt*tt*to a»d «at«rwtvht t aot o«hr lorHoaoiala, throacb<a«t tht ttb«r ltiaadt.