Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 390, 16 February 1892 — Finality in Polities. [ARTICLE]

Finality in Polities.

The chief cha2met«ristic of the food old Xoi7 ie hii eha»© afler bot as humanity ig ever od the hnnt after improv-, ed conditioos, the Torr is troubled and lifts up hia voice and Doißts to a pie<* of paper whieh he elaime is a compact or a eoDBtitotion, and is in hiB fyee saored and laat ing thari the ten c«mmandmentfi. The Tory paper is alwa?s calling out for eome finality in leptBlation, and it never reali§es that there ie no finality anywhere under the son. It ehakea its «olemn old heid, aod remark« in a deep fat ▼oiee that U»e other party is a party with an ill>regulated mit>d and i* a partT of ooostitutioiial dittnrteaeei and 18 stw sattffi«d, aifd ther*fore, it feust be <4 lqn down." But itrange)y it nerer lool»Torward to askytim« in the future when the Legwlature will have made all tht law« that the nation will ew wtnt, and will adjoum for evermore heeauM ohe con§titutional maehine is eomplke, and t+n be leit to run the country without f«upervi«ion.

There i® no finUitv tbovit the nvernp« Torv organ nei;h?r. if ta*re w:i?. tht Adv*rU*tr wouM Biop I»aM;rvit:cn souie iaorning, a«d th* rv w<M d a notice on the d»r that the proprw»tof? hat :u: \k &') iqp mpu(Y tbey k'« c np The -cM h:«!tr* i»< ird T. r? wnnti tfii kn< ir w;tb a ho O tf c nt-»rnition wim» othtr p*rty is gōii>f V0 stop. *nd

tbe ngtaral imv«t U. that it it «o4ag to stop when tbe world stop« «ad nol before. Fof tbere will be no firjality up to tbe dajr when cverrtbins b«rsta and ?hrive'.g up arddk'B. and probablv even that won'l be iinai—who knowe ?