Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 390, 16 February 1892 — Speak Thou the Truth. [ARTICLE]

Speak Thou the Truth.

[ tWe pob!iBh the following linea ; written bv Dean Ashford, . whieh ! we are proaioted to by the fearfui« [ neaa ahown by the penuriouB Daily ; Ba]letin. who eeem to dread tellihg I the tmth for fear of loo<*ing patron- | age, and gf even allowing others to |do 80. Five daye of outspoken ! truth a week in Ka Leo'9 columns, aeema 10 shatter its editor> waak nervee. but we hope thē Deana eloquenee in verse will tone up the dehaaed and delapidated mental eomliiion ©f cur editorial friend, aa caused bv the peon life he' ha» had %o endure. under hia preßent patron?j. . Ppeak thon the Trjth. l*t other» fence And trim their w<.ruf forpav; . In preeent *unsnine of preten«<e, Let others bask their day, Face thon the fact, thongh eafer ?eem In sbelter to alide; We were not made to eit and dream— The ?aie £r«t be tried. \Vhere Cio<i hae >et h:s throne abotit, Cry not, "The way is plaao;" 11:9 path wilhin, ior tho« withoat, Is paved with toil asd pain. OnelragKentofbis l>lei»Bftd-work [truth] Inio thy ppirit burned Is better than the whole. half he&rU, A'd by ?Ā<V intereet Bho% though rke light. If ooneienee Set nei thy buthel down; [gteam, The mnalleBt epeek may throw jt« beam— o'er hamlet, tower and town. Be trae to every inmost thonght, . And ae thy tfeought, thy apeeeh; What thoa has not by fcuffering booght, Preeome not thoß to teach. - ♦ ;. ■ ■■'■♦ .- While eaeh wild gun the mitt will clear, We now atedarklythrough; And jaitified at lavt appear The tn:e, ia him that'e trae.