Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 392, 18 February 1892 — THAT TREATY. [ARTICLE]


Mr. Mott-Bucitb went to Waah* ington to ' 4 gound" tbe United Statea goT«rnment about tbe preliminarie§ for a new treaty. Wbat firēab iodncement were beld out to Unele Sam will probab]y not bc definitely known bcfore the meeting of tbe Legi«lature. One thing. however. is certain, that neitber Mott-Smith or hi? proposal were received with favor. Tbe ft T a«hington government are aware that Mr. Smitb is not tbe envoy of an . administration whieh eao elaim tbe right, bv virtue of it« popularity to speak forthe people on so iuiportant a iuatter as extecdefl *.renty relat:ons. The: idt.i o: n fore: gr.tr? :ryir.g to t mp: tiic U.:itcd :i:to ae-: 4ep*:riJ iVnrr; v. ur rhe : '■> cf:.-r ■ *'. . » Tlc j:\:tv to fce!p 'x*?ter \\x> ; , .u «ueh a* Kjgr.r. wnkh has fil>d ii»e country w:tb,- ard txireateued to yet exiend aa Asiatlc invtsi.'n. $ugar plantew ean re«t ,ci/ntent tbat there ia no relief p-ossible from eueh a miaeion as tbat of Dr. MottSmitb. Above all Jet tbe sugar baroDB ucderatand that tbid eountry i» m? fhiirs to eflvr to anv eouu* tfy, eitber as a prctected or ariLtXed territory. The iugar-coa4ed piU wbicb 4 '*Co]Mērvative" wo-ulil treat mnin ip "Coc^ervfttive3 v pill '*a x Tbe ) ip.r.terp br.ve j.lave(l trickso oft€ii on the i't('ple thr.t tbe:e are apt :<• !\:rgt't :hr.t tne i;u~: il.iV be TfßCti?" i. <;>:i i:c:i e: anneiat:t>n (r c ciiir.g tt j rritcry. tx;e . peep.e i.ione wii! i>e and tbe r.ii<gtd Legisl&turt—tvhic:. lit its Confrtitutivn cann<it elaim to rtpreeent tbe peonle. will pn aneh a queatiop be checkmated by tbe Hawaiian peopie, aad repudiated ar.d ignored by the Americaii people.