Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 392, 18 February 1892 — Taking a Despicable Advantage of Position. [ARTICLE]

Taking a Despicable Advantage of Position.

i A short timeagoMr. Aldrich,Cu«lome Guard, had mstructioDe from h:s euperior not to dlow any one on bcsrd a certain ressel without aspecial peru::t. >'oon the b"amp* t:ous frei-h noan who repo:ts f r tue Pnc:Sc Adv?:*ti«?r ?hov-eg J erj«ler.v<>rs to rē* iu£t:-7ivt:c-rH. *i - .d ; e fuv . t; :■» nrui rw • }•••••: : : r :r.-; c:<>r* c i u.i •s;v»c-r::r.: .{:cTLr.:Mu.\d tLs ::o «o :or rerL.i. £ :ion to get »>c.ard ! :he veas tce of£cer ha 1 :io jor.t:cn in ma:ter. tEe !-repiied-snapp:scly: "Kever mindvl'll i get even with vou yet." henee the | gratmt:oue and contemptible adverI tisement of Mr. pecuniary flffaire in the Pacific of the lCtb.