Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 393, 19 February 1892 — An Interesting Dialogue. [ARTICLE]

An Interesting Dialogue.

(to»d momin. Mr«. O. B. Sure. a& its moity §orry 1 am that poor Joh&nie didn't get etected. Ahf Well yoo needn't be sorry ma'm, for its roight glad his ould woman is tbat Johnnie was defat* ed. I didnH wanl to loee him. If he got in hē moit have been sint a* an ambireedor to some ov thim f«rrin coorte, an mebbe its fallen i» leve wid a Princess, be*d be now? Mrs. O' Belly: Then its well the missionaries fooled the bye, and Mr. O'Boolewan t too. Ab hanamondio.