Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 393, 19 February 1892 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]


f. Ont nf coaaideratioa lor th© lnliem' r%bti«nd opiaione p* tfc» **• o» pof»)atiott t we dtniyo to roui& tte inaepoiMieae* of ti»Coantnr«»d <Mml itaMU»o«y. BKter * ii' - «mi popeiar form ol «eMiUokM*; •at onr with Forai|B iPpwm*, «mX jnvMl wttfe OaiM f «i AiMHa, AMU» M) Tiitiili|iiiTaiiiUi in nnliiMi nH^m ■

' Udvi)MH te —eiaeeea Jf I :rv «owonew [r:? : ri'- "" : r : r:r 7. We tre ia ft*or 0I eßeea*eg£q| PK \ home agncaHBreaadi»di!9£riee,sBMr oor asJtiv* prodaeie, liko rk*, e*f|ito wooli lohmo, otc« «boo2d bt imMMI. owr iī: LCK3AL S»LF-G<>^imHMßSt I. ftdMii«iißm UM pTjgii^ M <Klt«i<ipoi o*fae i p?oparti<Hi .Ql the pssfe >ad of #l^r :W*St^;^ ~ *- :; "* ' I |lilllllTll<t ' : :J j pT ilii(| lu 1 Tiji|iiif|Hi i' eal lau»rrreeMlt ūitk^s^jmSmT PTJBUO BEETimB. 6. BeHer iaweehoaki rega3ate tb*sfr> yil tovkt. The pHaeiple ei tbe ««*. tloo of o&eere of tbe coeieiM«rifc % Uie people eheold be eetob&&ed, maāwm maa aheeM be «l!oired te MA mm thaa one ofikse of prof|t t wbikt «tete sbonki be adeqaate eampmm&m tbeeervkeo ieikdißed. AU laiiea sbonid be redeted extd aU .ehae curee or BQperflaous offtese abeU&fei. PEOTBCTION TOTHE LABOUSI»» CLASSES 9. We sball ewiom a!l meuaa teadicg to impro\-e the co&ditioa t£ workiaß eleaeeē, aad coageqo<qatty t ■!>! out iojttrinf aay veeted righte, weiril advocate iawe to prereatalZ portalk»r or empioyna«it ei r nntiir jn - lahor of aay kiad f npon eowdftlßMi whieh will brt»g it into a miaeue e4l degradiag opmpetitiun witb ttm iaa or wbite labor. We ehail eiee, m tbe iatereet of tbe betaer ueelae&hm the poor, aek lor &ore liberal oitbeir property from forced eateeseK ecotion. aod frc»o rr'niri la I>nn>nm>mi proceedittg., BMALL FAEMIXG AND BOHt STEADfI. 10. Tbe wealtby fractkn oi onipow»*i®a hevehitherto pw>veßtedtbe WjjSji mmt of aa iadepead—telae» el niliwni tbe puWie toada t>ave beea acq»kedaatf bave leea tied ap ia a lew ImhĀi «sr Nurcelkd to suit £tvonte«. aad eeg£ faricer« aad plaatere baveoeea dH«we Mt bv c©rpo«tiont or ewMkai ef <*pitaliate; bat aa «&aU fami|* i» • «■*> iadve to A tbe ftaWlltv of tbe 6ta*a, dt Bboa)d pe eaoearaced br a new eeA more iiberal HMaeetead act, bv wM' tbeownenbip of siaall trecte of la*i aad tbe eettfeaieot tbereoa of faaMw of onr fmrtat jnpnlntinn imlnnpn <it 'y of tbe aative Hawaiiaae wbo kea beea left aUaeet homeleee ia tb«reee». try«eboutd be iendMed poee«bie. that e»d, the Ooverameot aad Janda. (ia eofar aeeaa bedcme inūmm iavadiafr veeted rigbte ) ehoaKK beie><i edaa eooa aa po«eibir to fcom*etaafe. aad coaferred apoa boaa-Bde *&&mm fr*e «4 tak«e ior a limited penod. Jt ebould bethe fqrtheraaa ot nomia meat to, at oaee, eo far improve &* meaae of treaei»or*tk>n,—loeal, inlini - a a»d iaterptfoaal»~u to pravida, ea all the dJetricte T eheap meane of eommiag the inredact of the eoil to markeL , £LE€TOSAL RIHUT. 11. We hold that uprigbt aad lsoiwei i maahood. and aot the peeeeeeioa *£ weaHh. arbitrarily fixed, ehouid <sae*«he Hght to vote for aohlee aewe&ee t repreeeotativee, aad ao mote • eaew eboaklbe acconl*dtotbe ba»ot?S ricb mta thaa to the ballot o( «he poo* maa. Tbe d»criaiißatk® ia fem o< weaHh aow ma4aiii onr Constifeafam ;!§ coatrav7 to all the eiemal ptitMm aw * iwtice aad mtietbeeSolUh ed. To thie*ead, we wiU 6iver a Mk ing of the pro6gat dietiuctkm'of wea§fk «ā elaeeeo whk<b MMi oar kw witb reepectbl ihe' risht to votē ior ae» blee* thwhy reetoriag t» tbe nw&m they have b«ea miiaetlv depHved. INTn9AL IHPBOYE»fX£T9 1» weigwyt%e !^srss£rat£: 23^5*5?*