Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 396, 24 February 1892 — He Receives His Commission. [ARTICLE]

He Receives His Commission.

It is with unfeigned pleasure tbat we announee the eppointment ot Mr. Wm. Cumminge y as Road Bupervisor for Honoluiu. We say, pUaBure> becaase it is a eauee of congratulation, and a favorable sign tO the lectors. that tbere voi<» as the people hav» been recognized, and the eommiaeion has been ps it were extorted from her M4esty'» government, the members of whom. ineiuding heraelf, were opposed to tbe Liberal Party and to Mr. Cummings as th©re no« minee.

This ii the first appointment made, within the time of the organization of a sational Hawaiian Party. and is in accordance withpopular rigbts, as recognised in other countnes. Thoagh the eomnaiaaion hag been issued, to Mr. Cummiag«, it», is with no thanks to Mr. Parker or any memberof his administration, as it U wel) kuown, that they in eonlluaion with eapii&liaU. have endia?ored to frttstrate the Becnringof bondoMD f« Mr.C., a phaae whioh hae b<«n in»titut©d in #ur law« by the good reformers t in order to prevent nativ® Haw*iiana from fiŪing offices of tru«t and emo)uxn«nt in tbeir own oountry!!!