Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 396, 24 February 1892 — WHAT I SAW. [ARTICLE]


Sir:—Through tbe medium of your w«lM«ād oolumna I decire to give the pabli« ahttle inBigbt inU tbo * 4 w«y« th«t are d«rk/' and tbe nittbode employed on the pUntation I Utehr teft, wlileh 4 5ālwaye, M I deeply preT«il in atnong n*erly all the plan* tationt oii the Itlaxide. There itj one oartioular plaoe on thi* ia*| laiid however 9 ti»at I wiah to men«4 tior>, where the treatnent oTlaUi>. en are inhuman, and where all the favori ahd blesBiiigs of a boumiftil Creiitor ha« heea laTtehed in vain. I ani a aimpie meehanie» eAning my breed \v toi!« yet, ew •inee I left m? i*otfe<»r'« knee* did 1 r»liw flHly %U iibmanily of man and tbe ee!fiebne«e of thoe* who hy a of tbrtnne bave been clothj»d i*, « lit|le brlef iuthori ty. The uWment of ooutraet l.tbor ou the{eaid |JLntatloQ le whoil? of the d«re of&e tv yndericround milwny M «nd 'toidd)e paaage r •f i!av«ry daye. llnHi g my eerrice, nine Jap«neM dMe/eemi iUrvat*

detW ia jMk«ti i of old *eent!ifig, eofiM M»« &ftr: i acoording tp tliftmiuiagoiaont: Usey «in«4la9i a»yhow. T«ro little 6kildren dM of typhmd, in* iMd by tbei iiheeaee of proper : •attiUi3r ■eeemodfttleßfl lbr the worfcii»g;nen M their ihmillea, onewhite andone Portugneae. I thought I eotil4 eliew my sympthy by aMaittlsg the poer pemle in preparing the poor little innoeente for deeNit bnrbl } ai*d .o®tred te make e eonple o£ oo&n* fer these Mrs ef that Kingdom to oome:^ut my Bym&a*hy waa ooldy met with the heartleaa repiy from the Maneger t that lamher eoete auMey, and that expenee mnst be aaved, ae the eho£ wasin neeii the plantation on the verga of binkraptfiy. and tbat B«rr von Boet in Konololii, wm aa e4veeete ef retrineh* ment and a Btannoh ftiend of "ewealen," "ehawa," and eeono* misere»of Fartherland-Hebrew extraotion. This Bobadil, in e&p and hella, strolled ldBnre)y to the olaoe of businees of an Aa>atio "dealer in varieties and borrowed (?) two soēp boxee to hide the mortelity of these infant« in*ighteen inohee of mongaged eoil. 'ihie is old B§flook, and aooorduig! to the latest metbods in Rhineland, Beerland and Father land ■ ; j Sb brmast ein wie Rof vie DonnerhaU» Wie Bchwertg»clirr aod Wo%mpr*U. Let no man deny faoUs. I speak what I know T aed I feel iike my gieat oottotrytftan when he uttered theee memorable words 4 I am eom* manded b/ eonaeienee to epeak the trnth, the truth I epeak, imp«gn it who 8olist" | An an0»l frdm the Heavenly dtorfliooald noiiiie this said Voltalla from oondemnation both now and evermore. ! Mechanics,