Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 398, 26 February 1892 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]


Tbit Uoek Saoi oeM NU«ci w

Tbat Um w owd fef doo> j jrī#

• Th»t Poptwu J«w w«i ooi » lo o*«d ov«r to k«)p osr Tmtr.

That lfcedltiewiic eoQ)d ooi aMtttgo to pa)l wool

Tbat Meeers. AlepM and 8o«i hope to do a goe»A trada «illi tln wbaler« thityear in «Im pore obadnhmted a?t*ele.

Tbat a oeriiin enminai eaae thort)y to eome Mbr» Ceart ie aotHiiig imm Uian a pnt»up Job on the part of a of «oribl«it oon* tpirator». :| .::

Tbat lb« ne« boildioff of ihe Dnteh Clob—w« beg —fbe Britith Ctud. looka more like t hoct piekioi <im, tban Ihe ibode ofibe p!utocra<»y of Honojuh>

Tbat littie ī>mi pmpoeee to give tbe P. C A. iiifant * few poinlm asto bow a nfw«tpaoer «*bouW be rQB. eo «oon be gets into that new buiiding <if bip.

Tbat hf tbe report of tbe party beid on bo*rd tbe "AUt* OmH" th« T. b. A. «diUM*i« fond of leUinK peosle know tbat be tpeot iii «eeka in Gerojanj.

Tbat we are detemin«H| not to be oatdooe by IK nh'h'* Caet!e. have tberefoie ircpert?d at enorlaoue expenee, an ediu»r for onr ait Oeuieh *di|iarti<ient

That uK*t peeok woxikl Uke lome inore ligtt thrown upon the at niftt tiin*. an4 woniiL he cuntent witii oil lauiim if they cannot get anvthing hetter Tbat th«r« are a few e!ectrir l)ghu in the priacipfl ttroef vcrner*. hut thtV al) tbe iidf ahr in Egypttan darknets

That wheii w\fft»l o**e« ofhr?>ken thiiit iake plaee. tb«n wili be aeuona ior damafe ag*tnat tbe RO\*ertin>ent •)] on aeooanl tff tboee haaiitiftil watar hydranta ®tuck īn Uw middie of w$ tidewnlk« Tbai tbe NoU* vt** Ma« ntcn4 to bw)i««w»few» aad miannnaii l?iwyw% and ea«cbanict« and tMr tribtk Um w«tiMftt t»ftbt mawtf f c#nnM h* ftwt, and tbf l' 8 Uo\>coment knowa it w\l | : : v ltMi Ut*r oi f«r rukiWHl ind |t«i)»W capiU|wt wiil %mi il »k--tf)«Hi)r ngtftt4»v tf t)M wi))of tkf v«tftf<« pople (N»t ! ntl yw»r trtft i« l«u>W Uw w