Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 399, 29 February 1892 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]


That the *'pnie chron»B" Kheme | of the nuoep* Kuokoa is dti utter of failure. Th*t the houae biulding boom in Honolulu is about over; and that it will be difficolt to find ten%nt» for al) the houeee boi!t re» That one of tbe dislinrnttbinf feature* at *the l*t* BUte Dinneri wa» the eotnmaiMliiig pres»nee of one of n«tore> nohkmen. Tbere many other« preeent, bnt he t« chltf among them a)l—ehief of ekotrooujtimiist«. Qtieen VictoHe may learn ettkju«tte from Hawaii n«i yet Th«t a poor natiw livin|t at the elaMk retrfat ealleel the Blue Gate waa hauled up 404) fined for eellirig «rog without lieenee* but that fh«r* are other Mreatft not a hundf»d ! milee frotn Wniki|ti and the Half ] Way Honie where u mueh o| the< •tiff »tuff ean be M without fear ( of being dieturbed by anr if the! %t fere«t body of nnm." j I

Pearl City is j««i āhan! to m* m«iic»—2o vcars heaa*, Thftt tlie Oftktt Rii!t«3r A Und Co*t. Bharehoid£rs will diorUjr re* ceive a haf)dBom« >ad the <iame will eonstet df * sltee of the u heaatll«l| eeeoer?, elimale »aifrditf<il eoil" Āat » kt he fett*d lfiig &&&mA ptma»os* ,ms!y iii Oie of Peai* City. Tbat owiof to the fbet of the U. 8. Oiwemmeni refiuiiig to feltler awav several eool at Peari Harbor for the |a«Se heoeAl Um Honololo lftiid| iha*fcit therf «)Q «oon he pleoty of dieap Bheoting to he had on my lamm at 15wa. -V -: That it ie one of iheee things whieh no fe!low ean Az: whai the eloee eoipmtibe called the Oovemment Bnrvey Bi> reao are doing apstalrs iu thnse roon)8 of theirs. That a good ineianee of how it ie done in Hawaii nei ie the eaee of the Lanai prteoners. who g«ilty or i not guiltr. will have to langnish in : dura nee vi le du?in g ihe tiext m6nths hefore they are tried by ■ the court. j • That when a!ny outaide work hae , to be (lone, sueh ai the feurveying of i the Punehhowl. Tantalua or the. Pali roads, or the Molokai. Kohala j Hamakua water supplies, the 6ov- : ernment Survey Bureau are not up ] to it and have to employ costly outeide he*p. ' That the Burvey Bnre*uhaa been in existenee for goodness knowe | how many years, and yet ihey have j not mana«ed produce a set of | Historical ResearcheB — we mean, | a decent set of maps of the whole 1 iBlands that are of any pracUcal |use. : :v :- ; ■"i'" [ Tharit galling to En- 1 gli?hme>* to »ee their l)iplomatic Teprentativs take rank after the reprt»se«tative kof a s«»cot)d rate }>ower like FurtngaU and simply | bwausw raan haB a :nore I high—• falutin jit!&; and that at the | Bishop of 0114*8 funeral, ihe £a|glish Ooneul or rather Vice»Consul | | had to piay iwcond fiddle to the co>iBuls of Buch one horse States as Denmark. Peru. Belgium« Nether-1 lands aod Meiio.: