Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 401, 2 March 1892 — "HISTORY OF THE HAWAIIAN PEOPLE." [ARTICLE]


Through the kindnees of Professor \V. D. Alt*xander we are placed in receipt of his work entitled "Hiatory of the Hawaiin n l'eople," for whieh thft āuthor has our thank«. The volume is a eoneibg higtory tpecially adapted to the home reader, and has Awen gotten up wīih that thoroup:h and pamstaking care characteriētic of Mf. Aljexander. It ie divi<led into thr<ee parts viz. PrehiBtoric period, whieh is siu» dividmt into chapterg giving tht» pnysical «eography of thegroup; the «>rigin ofthe Hawai'an People; the.vcond' uiigratory periord of the aneienl Hawaiiana; ancient eivi) jw»lity and doinePtic relations; objects and forn»s of worphip; idolg and tnnnies; oeretnonial »yBt«»m, Ac.-; privat<' worshi|>. fnnoral riteB, artf and manufactiireB, cuHtomH and uinu»ementB. (2) Part Beoond— embraceg ai»cient hist»vry to th<* eu<i of the reign of Kamehaineha First at hisdeath. (3) Part Tnree the later history frbm the death of the Conquemr of the Group down to ihe aceggion of Liliuokalani. Thia volume \s the inopl eom pl©te brief general history extant and one that every ptodent of Hawaiian history ghotild have in hi.« library. The name of the author is a guarantee to the puhiie of Um* vahmble matter contained in it. The t»ook handpome]y printed and boiuid in <»clavo siie. and eon * '1'' 1 w '*•'*? ]%»* fW I 11 " * ♦i" " and map». The work wa.« |>t;h)ml) j ed by order of thc Ho ird of K<iucation. and printe«i hy the Americ* an I»ook Comrwnv, York.