Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 401, 2 March 1892 — LABORERS LEAVING. [ARTICLE]


Aft*»r thfr promiBe* nift<le bv ccriain of our .hinni«<l autocrats to thc working claPB<»s, that thov wouhl employ them nll. we are souicwhat Burprii4»Ki to eee quite a targo number of our populaiion leavīng bv eaeh Bteamer and &ailing vesael. This portion of our community. nre of necwBit v compelled to go away. and the eompuUion appeam to eoine fpom thote who are crvinjf for laborerB to ti!i the §oil. The capitalist who require labor, in«tead of Bhowifig h Hiapoeiiion to retain intelligent workmen in the oountrv, are incline<| to ha*ten them out, treuting thetn as though th?y wer»» a r)asē to b*» got rid of aa s«»on aa |>Oēaiblp fnr tlie good of the eountry and for their welfare in particular. We are Ratistied, that a liberal <»operative xvptem in the »ug »r industry woui.i enable a i«rge number of those now to atay on the ialaneU. They would by such a plan, save tto imoanding doom whieh our andaugnr ba* ieos anticip*t» MiU our iU-