Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 404, 7 March 1892 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]


Tīi«t jK»lice, i|i their Soisur<» ought tJ th*iet» tuahfty rurs t(> bje l>unti i'rrt|iienting thc iuark«t atu{ butch»r storet«

Thnt the«MS s*ome fresh eloek in towii, ask thp you»gl»hK;dB ab>ut it. Thai &ome Ilonolulu ladies are bom tired, too lasy to get out of their carriageB to do their shopP»«R. That t( Botmie Bairn" ha« not yet reveal«d the namea of the W locity opinoūi Bhippers. Oi-koi~ha. That the Boftrd of Heal|h bas a regalaUon forbidding W. Ca. wiMi* in 100 feet of itmm or pond, and yet between the King Bridge and Bmith Brklfse, Swa side, thai« ia one ooe long row oi theee erectiona, drainiog into the Naaana river, ; : ; : j ; :■ That Hawaii nei ean give point* ers to the United Bta(es tmata aa to cornering the marl«tB. "Oh! ita aueh fun, Buch fun, when you know how its done" so aiftg the milk>andwater trufita j the fire inaurance truat, the meat monopoly, the keroaene truat, the anctioneering monopoly, the whisky 6elling truet etc. That the ivd?ertiBer'B theōry of road making consiats in starting at any poinl. it doesn't nvatter where, bo long ae it ia 5 milt*s froin town, leaving the busineBB portion of the city t0 wallow in inuel or be smothered iii dust. That the imn why the Adver« ti»er editor 1« so bitter aga|nat Mr. Paine mamiger of tbe Hawaiian Tramways Company ia hemuae tbat gentletr an deolined to carry tbe Advertiser*B newsboys and raportera on the oara for noihiiue. This is on a par witn persecution of Johnny Bswler because he wona case in court against one of tne Castle gang. Tliat the Bulletin on one aide of its Fridj\y lnst issue published u notice of the Boar<l cT Health nc»titying that ull unvaccinated children must be vaecinated witb bovine virus, aiid on the outsid e page o! the same newepaper is a long extract from a N'ew Vork paper headed ; 'Torturec by Vaeeine Virus. M \Vhat is one to believe from this 1 Does the Bulletin if it believe 40 vrccination, and it ia pmumed it does, from itn ailowing the government ad. to appear in ita oolumna, ihink it is "<r>r th? benefit of all" aueh a blood curdling yarn. That thē Adv«rti*er has heeu letting off Miother of its idiotic rt)Uiarks abaut the neoessity fbr in*tfng a ioad »0 improve th« Queen*a receiiUy acquired pMperty at Punahou, in the vimnity of ihe misaiouary iysho»»lv and that the long sufferinu taxpaycrs arv Ured of seeing the nioney sqiiandf!vd 011 roadaiu Uie ouUkirts «»f the town. likt» thu Kamoihiiii Ho.ul, tltr l)iumond Hcad Road, th ? Puueh bo>vl Hotid, the Tantalus xigxag, -in every diret»tion vxt<*pt wherr the e-iin should bt *pent, vit:on tke iviads situaU v >l in the husiness |mrt of thc town.

* MONOPi-)UKs 5. We«hatl useourfc<forti« to oiHai& l»w« by wliMi *U iavfrit«"iiv in tW ernm«at and all tru«tĀ aiif| iidvslpges to d&i»<**B' «hal! be rewWmi impuwikle, by mll, definite *nd mantlatorv ptatutes. PROTKCTION TO HOKE USPITKTRIRB % 7. We are in favor ol encouraging aU home agr>coltare and inda*trie«, aadMl oar native prod«cta, like riee f coBee, wool, tobacco, etc. ihoakl be 9roteetod a»d proper ttriffi«|iditioa; and ato it B>tifft be tbe dnty of the Gova«itt is it« eontnctB aad other ipm* |Uoaf t to give proferonoo to nitional pro» dtsct6 oror imoorted eaee. LOCAL BELF~GOVERNMENT | 8. WfimMre a jßore lihmU t»I w»rdB the diSerent Ial«id« ol the Kia*dQ». outeide <rf Oaha; thev ehouM r«eeiv« »ialm preporUoB 4 of th» pdtMa nao»ey« fe>r do\%lop««ieBlol their re* Bonroee md the BRtMietini ol tMr waiile. In (aet, the priaripie ol \aau r Self-«oveniß>e«it ilaoaM be wtaeby givtng k>eaiitiee may eheeee īhe raoet importaat oltheirloeel exee«tive o®oere, and levytaxee the perpoeo I■-«■! impro¥emente of a pabjic natare. PUBUC BBBVANTS. 6,, Bett*r law» nh(»ul«i f«gulate the Civii Bervit«. The priiiet|4e of tHe e»tt*ti*>n of oflUvr» of the government by the pe«iple «huiiUl be estabiiahed, and bo maii phoukl i»e allowe«l to hoid more than one office of proflt, whilst aeleriee should be a<Utjnate o»mpensation for the Nirvicefl remlerē»l v All exceeinve sa» laeie» «>hould l» redcmi and ail §ino eure» or t*ni>erf)uouB ofiiree alioliirhed» PROTRCTION TO THE LAfiOURfNG CLASSES 9. We phall end«rBe all m@aeure Mmding to improve the oonditkm of the working cia«eee, aod ro&&eqt2«*atiy, wlthout injuriiig any vested right&, we w9l «dvoate hwi to prevent aV. fQrther import*tion or employflMiit et eeatracthbor ol jmw npon eemiHioū whieh wlll bHsg it imto a nahieae and dagrading oompetitkm withfroeH«wm iaa or while labor. We ehall aleo, ia the iatereet oI the be*ter neoieeliaa of **"• ī lr *tt mnr i lihwinl meieiilieu ol their property from foreed eeleea ex ecution. and from eeisorc ie baßkroptey procee*]ing. BMALL FARMING AJS T D HOME STEADS. 10. The wealthv frartkm of onr popale--ion have liithertō prpvented the deveiopmcnt of an independent elaee of citixei>B; the puhlie iaiule have been acqnircd and have lieen ti«l np in a ■ fcw hamia or parceilcHl to etnit favoritee, and emal Canaer9 and plantere ha've bee« driven a«t l»y eorporations or coenbinatiQ«is oi /•apitalinte: but a» nmall farming t* coe> iticive totlie atabilitv ol the Btate, it el»ould pe eAcouraged iw a new a«td more liberal Homeeteed art. b? wheh Ihe ownerehip o| pmell tr»cte ol lend' and the eettiemeat thereon ol lūailiee of our preeent populatkm,—and eepeeieli ly ol the native Hawaibns who have heen lelt aimeet hoenele» in there«cmn-try-®hould be rendered poss.ble. To thet end, the Goveraamt and Crewa lende. ( iw eo f*raet*a be done wilhoal hi—Hlm» \ -i- - -vii >■ » > •M«aw<up iwuku nm«U 7 MHNUU SfWWSr edM «oon as poe&ihle to hoeMeteede. end «anfemd upon boaa-fidi eettlere ftf*e «f tnxee for a liqiited pertod. It should be the further aim ot govera* Mttent to, at onee, so hur improve the «w«ns ol trenepovti tk»,-4ooU, nalioaal aj»d to provkle» ia all the di«tncts, eheap meane ol coeveying the prodnct ol the eoil to markeC KLKCT»RAL rihgt. * U. We hokl that upr%ht and hoaeei maohood. and not the poeaeeeioa ol weehh. erhttrarily fUed, ehoeM coaetf ihe right to vote for nohlee as well ee reprec*ntativ«e, *nd ao mom power ahoukl be e«Torded to the ballot ol the neh mtn than to the bellot the |iooi man. The discriminatk>a ia hvor of weelth now maile in oar Coaetit«tiea • •* ctmtrary to «all the eterael ariaeialee ai»d |us»tice. an»lmnet heahoīW ed, To this end. we will £avor a )evel* i«Ur the preeent distinctkm oi wv«lth an«l rl«mw whieh hka»h mir lewe w itl» respect ol th* ritht to vote for nohie?», theM>y rwtorinf to U»e native Hawaiiane privilese«» • whMi iwrtain to ilhm4v in the»r ow:i <>Hi«ktry, aml of whieh ■t'hcv b\> heen uniuetlv deprive*t. INTERNAL IMPROVKMKNTS 12 We iavor the expen*hi«re ol oiem »itms to eer«re a numher t»| ncede«l pub|ie improvMaeate on<mha and oUiee Ulamls; raitmad» aad harhore aml wharvee, pohlie light, aa«l abn a UK%rou|ch syatem *»l r***rv<>4r% and w*ter»wor*«, not oaly le> HeaehOa, hat the elher lskmk>