Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 405, 8 March 1892 — LEGAL STATUS OF WOMEN IN AMERICA. [ARTICLE]


Twenty-three States has conceded the principal of woman suffrage by making women voters in school elections. Three States have given women the right to vote on liquor licenses. Kansas has given women suffrage in municipal elections. And Wyoming, after twenty-one years' experience as a women-suf-trage territory has given women full suffrage and political equality through its State constitution. In the agitation of nearly fifty years for women's enfranchisement, the whole social system has been changed. The legal status of wives, mothers, and widows, has been greatly modified; education, selfsupport, and opportunity have been accorded to women. lt has made possible the work of women in education, philantrophy, and reform. - Mrs. <illegible>