Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 408, 11 March 1892 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]


PKINCII»LE OF (iOVEKNMEN*T AND | | 1. We deeihj tbat all (tov*»rnment j ehouUl be founded oft the pfincij>l?s of i Liborty. Kqualitv and Fraternity; «e ho!d that all are born free an<i equa! beforie the law and are »n<l we*l wi(h inalieuahle rijrlitB to lifv, to libt»rty, to propertp. to the f»ur«uit of' happinee* an«! t<> t<e)f-protection againft arbitrary c<»ncentration if power. )ire«pon*ible wealih, and unfureompetition. We be i lieve that ivii»t |fovernment existn only bv the eoneeni 4>f the I'eople. and tl»at, ' when it beeomeii ne«-et<9ary for the publie welfare, they may rtholish exĪHtin« f«»rm?» an<t tPtahlis«h m«re advantatfe»ut> and «'iiiitable sy«tem ; anti, a» th«* proHent ro«Mtitutioi of t he Hawaiian Kinp- !• doin riever ha» 1 ad t'he a)>proval of the : I'eoph l ! , but wa« e«tablistle<l bv iniiiuidation ind .fraud for the benefit oi a i ertain, clfiipp t therefore we favor the a<loption of a new and more ljbtral Con» ftitution, to tru y mure a <*>vemment' o/ the l*eop!e, I y the- 1-eople an<l for the People jnr>KIAHY RKFORMK 1 3. Our Judiciary gys-tem an<l Code oi | rro«'e<lure n)«st be (<ubmitte«l to a thor* l ou&h revieion, ru> as t« seeurea eheap and prompt adminiMration of juatice,free ■ of all secUrian or patiBan spirit, nnd to . Jender the Jn< |l«ea more directly ree* pontsible to Uie People; and we are in of■■■■% more liberal interpretation of C'onBtitutional gtiar*Mee# of the fr<*edom of «pe«ch and t be prew. TAXATION 4. A jue t am! perfect *yBtem <\f, Taxation mu»t he inaugurat«d, to abo. f li»h the presenl inequalitiei>, bv whk*h the property <*f the poor ip exce«sively taied, while o ueh of the rich &uut's a«r* unfk>r>vaiu«d for aiwec«ii»ent 1 w entlrvly e*eipe Uxation; we nhall i | therefort» ilemaiml the of lawa that will moK elfvH-tually »übj€*t the propcrty of <>or|>orati. n» amī rich eitk aena to their jisnt pro|>urtion of puhlie lHnxlen®, whik? tcrantinB m<>re liberal vxemptk>n» to tUe poor ; and «k a means of dii*&iratfiu? the )oekiii«t up larfe tra*-t> of nn<Miltivated land», a <iifi<>ren* tial tax āhonki tie u v vW in a<klition to the n»ual aaeewmeni ouvmluat>on whieh vhoukl bo m pr< |K>rtion to tlits fertility of the aoii. We ahail tW faivor i taWiahment of f fndiMtal iaeoa»e tax, and thua e*peet to obuin a»p)« funds , Kw eondnetinf the |OvtmaMt and at~ tondiaf «• all M»eea»ir7 pnblk inpiW»mwta without any further eall« on th«

6. We «|»ll nseoar ot*«i» laws % whieh «IIlavoHti«B &a tfe»flF»*> *rnraent an<l all uoaopoliee, Imli «ai to »p*cial elaaa* e&all %• rerukml impo*«ikle, by fuU, 4sBm¥tt an<l mandatorv «>tatttt*s. rK< >TiiCTION TO »< >M£ 13I»CSTKIKS

7. .W'v ar«» in iavor of ail hot»e aj;ri('ulture an«t a»Ati «»ur native pro4hiotf>. like r'ce, <*t>ffee, wool. tolwt o, et*'. Khoulii !*» protet*tod an«i foetere<l by j-roper t;triff regul&t&»; an<l nUo it Riu»«t h«* the timy of the Gw* meni. in ita i"ontra«*N aixl other operations, to >rive preteremv to natioim) proilucte over imnorted-oaeB. U >C A L SELF-Gi >Y£ftN MEST 8. We <lesire a more )iheral poliv> w»r<ln the <iif!Vi*»nt Jslandfi «if tlt« Kinf(lom. out»i(le of (>aha-*, th*y- *honta receive a fairer proportion of the poblic monev«< for the clevtlopmentof their te»ouri*ea aiul the satl»fartirn ot thair wants. In f«t*t, the prini-iple ot loeai, ehouM be extaiMjU»d ( whereb}- giving loi*alitie« may choo«e tbe mo>«t important of their loeal ex«cttiive oflii'eri>, and levj* taxe!< ?or the p(irpose 1 <-al iin»rovement« <»f a pnhiie natare.

punne S"KRVANTB. (). Jietter la%i* «honi<i n«inlate llie Civi! Servi*e. Tlie priiii iple of the «««•- tion of ofl':cerp of the {f<ivernmont by th<> people ehoulu ije estahHgh©d t and no man rfiould .1* aliowed to hoki more than one oAlee ot profit, whilet ealurie» h)k>ul<l be a<U«|uate ci>mpen»ition for the farvice» remlere(i. AU pxceBt<iv« aalarie* «houhl be rniuc*rt and all «iiw enr«* or eui»erfl(ums flboliehed. PROTECTION TO THE LABOURīKG . CLAW*EB 0. We nhall endori% all meflsure tending to iraprove the i»Oßdition ol tbe workingciaaBes 9 and con«equentJy, witb> ont injuTing ouy vested rights. we wflt j*dvocate laws to prevent aH farther importation or empfoym«Eit of -contractlabo* oi any kind, npon «mdit*on9 whiei» wiii it into a ioiiMiw ind degra<ling competition with frēe Mawa iati or whiie labor. We phall also, m the interent of the bett*r .»rotection of the jx>or. ank for more liberal exmpHon oi their propertv from force«) sale on ex e< ution. and from eeizurc ia bankruptcy prot-eeding.

SMALL. FARMING AXD HOMS STKAI)S. 10. The weaHhy fra<iīon of *>nr populnJon liave hith*>rtō prev«?nt«l tl»e ck>vei6pmen* o( an imiepi'inlenl rl«K) of Ihe pnbJic lan«ls have been ai*qiur«i and have l»een ti«d ui» in a iew haml* or nan-elle«l to i»uit favorite». ami anial farmer« aml i«lante' .havc been «lr*ven wt l»y eorpomtions t»r conbinatioiiB oi capitali.ctf; but as farmins i* eon» lncive to the r>tabilitv «»f the State, it shouUl pe bv a new s«d more iiberal Homef>tead ae}. bv whrh theownerHh»p of small .tr*t t* of land %nd the wttlement thereon of faxniSieB • f our pieeeiu popul«tk>n,—ai>d««peciali W »( the native liawaiiai» who have heen left alinc#t honwW# in thereeoun> tr\--ehoi»l<l be rendereu po»s«ble, To that end. (lie and Crowa lands, ( in m» f*r as ean be t]o)« vtlthout invadinit ve*t*d rifhtf > ohonki bednvi«d astHK>n ās poitciib(e to hunevtMd«. aad conferred upon bona>fide «40«« five <4 tAxea for a limited pertod. It *houki bethe furtheraim oI goTers* «»nt to, at onee, » far improve the weani» of tran«mort tion,—loc*i, i*atkm«l and in ternati<Hial ,—a» to provide. ia all the diatrkta, ph«ip mea* ? of convey~ ing the prodnct of theaoil ta» market.

RLECTO*AL HXIIGT. U. We hotd tha( apright 4ad hm*ii ■uuahtod. and aot the of arfettrarily ehoaldeoMttw« rifh| lo \ote k»r m»W« itvdlai r*meßfetiY««, and no noio »ov« «KonMhe arcorded to tbe h&lk>t ol tJ» rleh th«xi to tho halloi ol Um» ppm The dbrrimiMtk« ia 4m» of «eolih w* m*de ie oer CoMtHntimi b ftmtmry to alt th* Horm«l pHaeialM ol rich| m«] j«wtk» aad awt h» aboHsh» ed. To thls «id, we will fav*r a levc4* i»C tho pr«Mt dktinctkm ol «eohh aM f)MM« whkh oar few* with rwpert of tho right to voto for ao> WM, thwb* rwtoHif tn .th« MU\t H»vty»M privik««» «hirh p«teiato thea in thdr owa co«atnr % aad ol vhich thoy have heoa aajost}v deprived. INTKRKAL IMPROVKMENTS 12 Weiavorthe expe»ditare ol eaffdoat nuae to eer«ro a aaa»hnr ol andid Mhlk ia»pvove«Bente oaOaha and other Ictaa<ia; iM, railread» »ad harhom aad wliM pahlie li«ht, axtd akn a thoea«gh waleiaol reeattaiia aad eot oaly far HoaohUa, hat thro«ū«h<ont the other lelaaehk